SÁB 6 DE JULIO DE 2024 - 03:18hs.
Jacques Wagner

Government leader in Senate says that Planalto has no position on project that allows gambling

The leader of the Brazilian government in the Senate, senator Jaques Wagner, classified the bill that allows gambling in Brazil as “controversial”, and ruled out the possibility of the text being used as a source of compensation for payroll relief in 17 sectors and municipalities. He voted in favor, but said that Planalto did not establish a position on the matter.

“It is a very controversial subject, it passed the Constitution and Justice Committee closely. I don’t know what it will be like in the plenary,” said Wagner.

“The government has not established a position. I, personally, voted in favor because I don't believe in anything prohibited as a solution to anything. Today, with games on cell phones and computers, the casino is at home. In my opinion, I prefer everything with rules, supervision and payment of taxes,” he said.

Regarding the possibility of compensating for the exemption, Wagner said that “in compensation, we cannot talk about promises.”

“You have to talk about objective compensation. Let's assume that it will be approved in the second semester, between September and October. No one is going to install a casino or a bingo system overnight and, therefore, I hardly have tangible and predictable revenue in this account,” said the government leader.

There is a debate whether the text should go through more committees or whether it should go straight to the plenary. The decision is made by the president of the house, Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG).

According to the leader of the MDB, senator Eduardo Braga (AM), the debate around the topic needs to be “based on numbers, and so that we can see what the possible gains are with the approval of the project, whether from the point of view of economic growth, generation of employment, income and taxes.”

For the senator, it is necessary to analyze “how these taxes will finance important public policies and, on the other hand, what are the risks of approving this bill.”

Source: CNN