SÁB 6 DE JULIO DE 2024 - 03:08hs.
Federal Deputy Bacelar

"The legalization of casinos and bingos in Brazil is a significant step for the country"

Federal Deputy Bacelar, coordinator of the Parliamentary Front in Defense of Gaming, celebrated the approval of the project that allows all types of gambling in Brazil. The proposal was analyzed by the Senate Constitution and Justice Committee (CCJ) this Wednesday (19). 'This is a significant step for the country. Legalization will not only bring more transparency and security for players, but will also generate a new source of revenue for the government,” he pointed out.

The deputy, who represents Bahia state and has stood out for defending the modernization and de-bureaucratization of the Brazilian economy, highlighted that the legalization of gaming is an old demand and that, with approval in the Senate, Brazil aligns itself with the best international practices.

"This is a significant step for Brazil. The legalization of betting games will not only bring more transparency and security for players, but will also generate a new source of revenue for the government, boosting revenue and enabling investments in priority areas such as health , education and security," said Bacelar.

The parliamentarian also states that the regulation of bingos, casinos and jogo do bicho will encourage an increase in revenue, the formalization of jobs and the boosting of the tourism sector.

“The jogo do bicho was created in 1892, in Rio de Janeiro, by Baron João Batista Viana Drummond as an attraction for visitors to his Zoo. Several countries have already regulated betting games and are reaping the benefits of this decision. The time has come for Brazil to do the same, ensuring that this activity contributes positively to our economy and society,” he said.

Another point defended by Bacelar is that the gambling industry is a great generator of direct and indirect jobs. From establishment workers to technology and tourism professionals.

“We are in a favorable moment. Let's reduce unemployment, increase revenue and generate development. Everyone benefits,” he celebrated.

Source: GMB