SÁB 6 DE JULIO DE 2024 - 01:14hs.
Caio Medeiros, video director

“1win Partners has a YouTube channel to reinforce partnerships and improve affiliates performance"

Increasingly involved with the Brazilian sports betting and online gaming market, 1win Partners has been reinforcing the company's YouTube channel. In an exclusive interview with GMB, Caio Medeiros, video director, highlights that the objective is to guide and reinforce to affiliates the importance of ethical practices in order to make them competent and reliable professionals in the sector.

GMB - Why 1win Partners has a specific area for videos. What are the objectives?
Caio Medeiros
- Our main objective is to be the only betting house that really focuses on educating and teaching beginner affiliates on how they can attract traffic and how they can change their lives through this.

So, our primary function on our YouTube channel is to teach those who are starting out how they can establish themselves in this market, what SEO is, how to run a good traffic campaign, how to attract good depositors. And that's what we do there. Every day we have sensational content completely focused on affiliate education.

Is 1win Partners already preparing to educate affiliates from the point of view of regulation and serious advertising requirements and criteria regarding responsible gambling?
This is one of our main focuses. We constantly talk about regulation because many partners end up making these mistakes because they don't know exactly how far they can go. And it often happens that partners make this mistake, losing accounts, which are their sources of income. We always want to convey to them the issue of regulation, something very important to us and we always highlight this in our videos.

If you go there, you will see that there are many videos talking about this. We discuss this and we also have a podcast. We always talk to professionals in the area who are references about this and they give tips, what to do, what not to do, what you can say, what you can't. It's something very important for us.

How has affiliates performed with 1win Partners?
Performance in the Brazilian market has been increasingly better. The 1win Partners program today is by far one of the main ones on the market due to the structure that 1win provides to its partners. We don't just see them as a number, they are part of everything we accomplish. We carry out actions, take our partners to boxes in football stadiums and exclusive dinners, as well as parties. We recently held an incredible party, the video of which is on our channel. So, our partners in Brazil have had an exceptional performance and the tendency is for them to improve even more in the coming years.

Are you looking for a company to work for? 1win and 1win Partners are by far the best option. If you compare, you will see that there is no affiliate program that compares to 1win's on the market.

Source: Exclusive GMB