SÁB 6 DE JULIO DE 2024 - 02:49hs.
Brazilian Series of Poker

BSOP continues to expand and is now the third largest sports competition in Brazil

The cards are on the table and the responsible is the Brazilian Series of Poker, one of the biggest poker tournaments in the world and leader in Latin America. Bringing together enthusiasts, professionals and aspirants from all over Brazil and other countries, the BSOP is only surpassed by the Brazilian Seria A and Copa do Brasil in terms of prizes, which in 2024 will reach R$125 million (US$ 23m). There are still three stages left this year, two in São Paulo and one in Rio de Janeiro.

Founded in 2006 with the aim of democratizing poker in Brazil, BSOP was a pioneer in promoting the culture of the sport across the country, offering an opportunity for players of all levels to test their skills, compete for big prizes and connect with a vibrant community of extremely passionate gamers.

In Brazil, the BSOP is already the third largest sports competition in terms of prizes distributed, reaching a value of R$ 125 million (US$ 23m), behind only the Brazilian Championship and the Brazilian Football Cup.

"Our tournaments are extended with transparency and professionalism, ensuring a safe and fair experience. Poker is a growing sport both in the world and in Brazil, and we at BSOP feel responsible for democratizing it, encouraging the participation of diverse players, during our tournaments. Everyone can compete, have fun and, in the end, be champions", comments co-CEO, Devanir Campos.


The current BSOP season has already started, but this year's calendar still has events in two Brazilian cities, São Paulo (SP) from July 23rd to 31st and, later, in Rio de Janeiro (RJ) from November 9th to 16th. The journey ends with the return to São Paulo (SP) from November 15th to 29th, concluding the 2024 tournaments.

With an estimated audience of more than 100 thousand in-person participants and an online reach of more than 10 million HR, these events promise to be a success and exceed expectations. It is worth mentioning that the tournaments can be followed free of charge and digitally through the BSOP YouTube channel.

"We want to provide an exciting experience for both players and fans of the sport, with a global reach online and more than 45,000 in-person visits. With each tournament, we think about how to make the event more diverse and reach a broader audience, such as in the case of women, who are increasingly present in poker and in our tournaments,” adds Lara Campos, COO of BSOP.

Worldwide, poker captivates more than 120 million regular players, who gather at different tables to enjoy the emotion and strategy of the game, driving a market that is growing at an impressive rate of 34% per year. In Brazil, this passion is also expanding, with more than 8 million competitors actively participating, driving a vibrant and ever-expanding community, demonstrating the continued appeal and interest surrounding this sport and lifestyle.


Our biggest goal and mission is to create a democratic environment and an experience completely focused on passion and connections. The BSOP should be an entertainment experience, where people gather in the most beautiful places in Brazil, with the intention of not only competing, but also having fun", highlights Rafael Moraes, co-CEO of the tournament.


BSOP Winter Millions:

Date: July 23rd to 31st

Location: SHERATON WTC – São Paulo – SP

Website: https://bsop.com.br/3-wintermillions/

BSOP - Latin American Poker Tour:

Date: October 9th to 16th

Location: WINDSOR MARAPENDI – Rio de Janeiro – RJ

Website: https://bsop.com.br/4-riodejaneiro/

BSOP Millions:

Date: November 15th to 29th

Location: SHERATON WTC – São Paulo – SP


Source: GMB