SÁB 6 DE JULIO DE 2024 - 03:13hs.
Provided by the Attorney General's Office

Carolina Yumi de Souza is appointed deputy secretary of Prizes and Bets

The Attorney General's Office (AGU) published in the Official Gazette this Tuesday (25) the transfer of lawyer Carolina Yumi de Souza to the Secretariat of Prizes and Bets (SPA). In her new role, she will occupy the position of deputy secretary just below Régis Dudena. The AGU must give its opinion in the event of disagreements between the Ministries of Finance and Sport when analyzing betting license requests.

The Official Gazette of the Union this Tuesday (25) published Ordinance AGU 270/2024 from the Attorney General's Office, assigning attorney Carolina Yumi de Souza to the Secretariat of Prizes and Bets (SPA) at the Ministry of Finance, where she will serve as the executive deputy secretary.

With this assignment, she becomes the second-in-command at SPA, just below the head, Régis Dudena. Among her main duties will be officially substituting for the secretary when necessary. The attorney must immediately report to the head of the Regional Attorney's Office to finalize the details of her transfer to the Secretariat of Prizes and Bets.

In May, an interministerial ordinance from the Ministries of Finance and Sports was published, defining that authorizations to operate sports betting and online gambling in Brazil must be approved by the Ministry of Finance and then by the Ministry of Sports. In case of disagreement between the agencies, the request will be submitted to the Attorney General's Office for an opinion.

The arrival of Carolina Yumi de Souza is part of the integration process between the departments, leveraging her extensive knowledge of the AGU's system to foster a cooperative relationship and expedite the integration process between SPA and the Attorney General's Office.

Carolina Yumi de Souza holds a bachelor's degree in Law from the University of São Paulo, with a master's and PhD in Criminal Procedural Law from the same university. She previously served as the director of the Department of Asset Recovery and International Legal Cooperation at the Ministry of Justice.

Since September 2003, Carolina has been with the Attorney General's Office, coordinating key areas both within the agency and in other government sectors, such as leniency agreements and the defense of probity. She has also held various roles at the Ministry of Justice and the Supreme Federal Court. Additionally, she represents the AGU in a working group of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Source: GMB