SÁB 6 DE JULIO DE 2024 - 02:48hs.
In age and identity verification

Legitimuz is the first Brazilian KYC provider certified by GLI

At such an important moment for Brazilian iGaming, Legitimuz, an innovative company in identity verification solutions, reinforces its leadership role when it comes to security. This is because the startup has just become the first KYC (Know Your Customer) provider in Brazil to submit its technology for evaluation by Gaming Laboratories International (GLI).

This assessment not only represents an extremely significant milestone towards compliance with national rules, but also highlights Legitimuz's commitment to security and integrity in the iGaming sector.

GLI evaluates Legitimuz in promoting security in iGaming

The evaluation conducted by Gaming Laboratories International (GLI) on Legitimuz's KYC (Know Your Customer) platform highlights the company's genuine concern for security in iGaming.

To better understand, the evaluation specifically focuses on the age and identity controls implemented by Legitimuz. The aim is to ensure that the company meets the proposed expectations and the established industry standards.

More specifically, the GLI evaluation process includes a detailed review of both the desktop and mobile applications developed by Legitimuz. Thus, it focuses on several critical aspects of the KYC platform's operation, such as:

* Document and facial verification

* Assessment of ID and age controls

* Security audits

The results obtained were extremely positive for Legitimuz, confirming the reliability proposed by the platform.

Items evaluated by GLI in Legitimuz's systems

Document and Facial Verification Process

First and foremost, it should be highlighted that Legitimuz uses a three-step system for identity verification:

- First, users must enter their CPF number, which is checked against Brazilian government databases to confirm identity and age.

- Next, users need to scan an official identification document (such as CNH or RG) using a mobile device (at this stage, the name and CPF number on the document are verified to match the government information).

- Finally, facial verification is performed, where the photo on the document is compared with a selfie taken by the user at the time of verification.

It is important to note that a match of 80% or higher is required for a successful validation, while matches between 70% and 80% require additional manual verification.

Assessment of ID and age controls

An analysis of ID and age controls was carried out to verify whether the KYC procedures were in compliance with regulatory standards.

Thus, GLI examined how the platform manages user information, including data collection, storage, and security.

Security audits

Finally, GLI also evaluated the security measures in place to protect user data against unauthorized access or leaks.

This included a review of privacy policies and terms of service, as well as penetration testing to identify potential vulnerabilities in the software.

Result of the GLI assessment for Legitimuz

- No significant risks were found in the age and identity verification controls.

- Attempts to manipulate the system were invalidated, demonstrating the effectiveness of the security measures implemented.

- The platform has complied with all relevant regulations, ensuring that identity and age verification operations are in full compliance with industry standards.

Important: during the evaluation, no fraud or attempts to circumvent verification controls were detected. This highlights the effectiveness of the system in preventing improper access and fraudulent activities.

Importance of GLI assessment for Legitimuz

The assessment carried out by Gaming Laboratories International (GLI) on Legitimuz's KYC platform represents a significant milestone for the company and has multiple implications that reinforce its position in the iGaming market.

This assessment is not only a compliance check, but also a clear example of the effectiveness, security and reliability of the solutions offered by Legitimuz.


- By passing the GLI assessment, Legitimuz demonstrates that its identity verification practices and technologies comply with high international standards.

- The GLI seal of approval allows Legitimuz to expand its international presence and participate in tenders and partnerships in regions that might previously have been inaccessible due to regulatory barriers.

- From now on, customers can have even more confidence in the services offered by the company.

- The seal brings a role of innovation and reliability that intensifies Legitimuz's presence in the market.

Furthermore, this assessment not only validates Legitimuz's technical competence, but also strengthens its credibility with regulators, partners and customers.

Finally, amid new entrants into the KYC world, having a system certified by a respected organization like GLI offers a unique advantage to Legitimuz.

Gaming Laboratories International (GLI) is a leading global testing, certification and professional services organization for the gaming industry, both physical and online.

In this way, GLI offers a range of services that include gaming system testing, certification of gaming equipment and systems, security audits, and regulatory consultancy.

The aim is to ensure gaming products meet strict regulatory standards and technical integrity requirements.

The company works with gaming regulators, equipment manufacturers, and gaming operators to ensure that gaming products are fair and operate correctly. Because of this, GLI certification has global recognition as a seal of approval that confirms adherence to rigorous quality and safety standards.

This helps build trust among players and regulators in an operator or manufacturer's commitment to integrity and fairness.

Furthermore, another important point is that many gaming markets require certification of GLI products and systems before authorization for use.

Thus, certification opens doors for operators and manufacturers in regulated markets around the world.

Note: GLI informs that:

“[…] it is imperative to understand that the assessment performed by GLI was limited to the specific Age & Identity solutions provided by Legitimuz Tecnologia LTDA outlined in this report. Additionally, the scope as defined by Legitimuz Tecnologia LTDA included only the Age & Identity controls through the period of GLI’s assessment.”

Source: Legitimuz