MAR 2 DE JULIO DE 2024 - 14:00hs. and Esportes da Sorte are pioneers

Brazilian 'bets' start supporting LGBTQIAPN+ events and causes

Celebrated internationally on June 28th, ‘LGBT Pride Day’ is a date that seeks to reaffirm the feeling of inclusion of people of different sexual orientations and gender identities. The date is celebrated on the same day that the Stonewall rebellion took place, a series of demonstrations by members of the LGBTQIAPN+ community against the strong repression by the New York police, in 1969.

An increasingly growing cause in the world and in Brazil, events and movements are beginning to discreetly appear on the radar of betting operators, known as 'bets" in Brazil.

Although they have not yet reached the LGBT+ Pride Parade in São Paulo - which brings together around four million people -, it does not necessarily mean that support and actions no longer happen.

An example is, one of the platforms that seek to engage and participate in these issues. Proof of this is that last year, the bookmaker received an award from 'Grupo Gay da Bahia' (GGB) for actions carried out in favor of the LGBTQIAPN+ community.

According to the social institution, which has 43 years of history, bet stood out for its service in building diversity and inclusion, combating LGBTphobia in sports, especially football. Part of this construction is due to the partnership signed with the 'Coletivo de Torcidas Canarinhos' of which the platform is a sponsor.

Founded in 2019, the group started with the 'LGBTricolor' (Bahia), 'Marias de Minas' (Cruzeiro) and 'Palmeiras Livre' fans with actions, campaigns, initiatives and suggestions for inclusion and diversity in football. Currently, other fans have joined the collective with the same intention of promoting discussion in different clubs.

"The GBB award showed us that we are on the right path, but it also served us to show the long path we need to take in Brazil in defending diversity and inclusion, especially the fight against LGBTphobia," said Marcos Sabiá, CEO of

We see this achievement as an incentive to continue in our fight to promote equality and combat discrimination in the world of sports," he said.

According to the executive, concern about the topic is also a center of discussion within the company itself, with there even being an internal diversity committee that tends to be quite active.

This week we had a talk with people from the LGBTQIAPN+ universe sharing their experiences and raising awareness. The idea is to promote this agenda internally so that all actions, such as the one with Canarinhos, are genuine and coherent with our internal practices,” he added.

The sports marketing specialist and CEO of the Heatmap agency, Renê Salviano, has on his CV cases of sponsorships and activations at major events. For him, investing in the cause and events of the LGBTQIAPN+ community is important.

Several sponsors understood that it is necessary to be present and collaborate with these fronts that fight so hard against crimes that happen every day. It is commendable and necessary for brands from all segments to support as many causes as possible, anything that works towards a better world,” said the professional.

Recently, another that participated in an action with the cause was Esportes da Sorte. Last November, the platform supported La Folie, considered the biggest LGBTQIAPN+ pop festival in Brazil.

On the occasion, the platform carried out actions in which it delivered colorful bandanas and buckets with the LGBTQIAPN+ flag. The company also promoted a makeup, glitter and tattoo stand.

We often say that we are everyone's bet, and we celebrate the importance of this international LGBTQIAPN+ pride day. We were very pleased to support, at the end of last year, La Folie, the largest LGBTQIAPN+ pop festival in Brazil, when we planned some actions to brighten up the party,” comments Marcela Campos, vice-president of Grupo Esportes da Sorte.

Source: GMB