MAR 2 DE JULIO DE 2024 - 14:19hs.
Physical and online modalities

Councilors approve in first vote the creation of a municipal lottery in São Paulo city

The Bill presented by the mayor of São Paulo, Ricardo Nunes, proposing the creation of the Municipal Lottery, was approved by the City Council in the first, symbolic vote. Now, the text will undergo new consideration in the Plenary. The Bill provides that 50% of net revenue will be allocated to the Municipal Social Development Fund. The operation will be in physical and online modalities.

Based on the decision of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), which ended the Union's monopoly on the operation of lotteries, the mayor of São Paulo, Ricardo Nunes (MDB), presented to the Chamber of Councilors, a Bill to implement a lottery for the city.

In a first, symbolic vote, São Paulo councilors approved the Executive's initiative. The government leader in the Chamber, councilor Fábio Ribas (MDB), highlighted that “the legislation that takes care of lotteries is a federal one, but a decision by the STF, expands it so that both states and municipalities can manage their own lottery and the money will be invested in public policies.”

The Bill provides that municipal betting houses will be able to install physical rooms in the city as well as operate online. The operation will be granted to the private sector, which will be responsible for formatting the modalities to be explored, marketing and commercialization planning.

In the text of the Executive's proposal, it was defined that the gross revenue will be divided as follows:

* Payment of prizes

* Income tax on the prize

* Costing and maintenance

The net result will have part of its revenue (50%) allocated to social projects, with the remainder divided to reduce the municipal pension deficit and pay court orders.

Source: GMB