MAR 2 DE JULIO DE 2024 - 14:03hs.
Alessandro Gherardi, co-founder and director

“Fomento selects operators based on several criteria specific to the Brazilian iGaming sector”

In an exclusive interview with GMB, Alessandro Gherardi, co-founder and director of agency Fomento talks about the strategies for managing a network of more than 500 affiliates in Europe, Asia and Brazil. He details how the company identifies the best operators for the local market and what they offer to the customers in the country. “We analyze their offering ensuring it is aligned with the preferences of the Brazilian players.”

GMB - What strategies does Fomento use to manage a network with more than 500 affiliates?
Alessandro Gherardi -
Fomento employs several strategies to manage this. We use a centralized platform to monitor and manage activities, facilitating communication and performance tracking. Affiliates are segmented based on performance, type of traffic and target market, allowing for more focused management. We assign dedicated account managers to specific groups to provide personalized support and resolve issues quickly.

Additionally, we offer training programs and resources to help affiliates optimize their campaigns and stay up to date with industry best practices. We also provide mentoring and consulting opportunities to help affiliates grow both within Fomento and independently.

How does Fomento ensure continuous engagement and motivation among its affiliates?
We use various tactics, including incentive and bonus programs to reward affiliates who achieve specific goals. We maintain regular communication through newsletters, webinars and periodic performance updates. We also use broadcast groups on WhatsApp and Telegram, offering personalized support to each affiliate.

We offer access to exclusive resources, market data and advanced training content. We facilitate networking events, both online and in person, to promote the exchange of experiences between affiliates.

Are there specific Fomento criteria to identify and collaborate with the best operators for the Brazilian market?
Fomento selects operators based on several criteria specific to the Brazilian market, such as assessing the operator's reputation in the iGaming sector and its ability to maintain reliable relationships with affiliates. We work with regulatory compliance to find out whether the operator is up to date with local and international regulations relevant to the Brazilian market.

Additionally, we analyze the operator's product and service offering, ensuring that they are aligned with the preferences of Brazilian players and provide local support focusing on operators that have a local presence or that understand the culture and dynamics of the Brazilian market well.

Can you share challenges you face in selecting operators for Brazil compared to other regions?
The Brazilian market presents several unique challenges such as uncertain regulation; different cultural preferences; economic factors such as economic fluctuations and tax policies that can significantly influence operations.

Furthermore, there is strong competition from well-established local operators, which can make it difficult for new entrants to enter.

Are there more effective methods for generating high-quality traffic for your operators?
We use several methods and have our own and partner traffic. For example SEO and content marketing, influencer partnerships, targeted PPC campaigns, and segmented email marketing where we implement email marketing campaigns to reach specific groups of users with personalized offers.

How does Fomento balance different traffic sources to maximize results?
We take a balanced approach to maximizing results from different traffic sources by performing data analysis, meaning we continually monitor the performance of each traffic source to identify which ones generate the best ROI.

Through A/B testing we try to optimize campaigns and determine the most effective traffic combinations. Another important thing is audience segmentation based on their preferences and behaviors and, lastly, we use automation tools to manage and optimize campaigns across multiple channels efficiently.

Point out the main characteristics that Fomento seeks in a tracking platform to guarantee accurate and reliable performance metrics.
Fomento looks to a tracking platform for its ability to provide detailed and accurate data in real time. Scalability, being able to manage a large volume of data and users without compromising performance.

Basically, we look for compatibility with multiple systems and traffic sources for seamless integration. And finally, advanced analysis and reporting tools to delve deeper into campaign performance, not to mention high security standards to protect data and compliance with relevant regulations.

What steps does Fomento take to build trust and transparency with affiliates and operators?
We maintain open and frequent communication with affiliates and operators, providing clear and detailed performance reports with accessible and verifiable data. Fomento ensures punctual and transparent payments in accordance with the agreements we make and we are committed to following a strict code of ethics that emphasizes integrity and responsibility.

How do you handle situations where there may be discrepancies or disputes in performance data?
In case of discrepancies or disputes, Fomento follows a data verification process, then we openly discuss discrepancies with interested parties to find a fair solution. In addition to internal review processes to identify and correct possible systemic problems.

Arbitration in complex cases can also occur through a neutral entity to resolve disputes.

By maintaining offices in multiple countries, is it possible to ensure consistent communication and collaboration between different locations?
Through online collaboration tools such as Slack, Microsoft; teams and project management platforms to facilitate communication between teams. We organize regular meetings, both virtual and in-person, for updates and strategic planning; and we promote an inclusive corporate culture that values ??the contribution of all offices.

Is it difficult to keep up to date with the latest trends and regulations in the iGaming and affiliate marketing industry, especially in the diverse markets in which they operate?
We stay up to date by: actively following industry news through specialist publications, blogs and news feeds.

We attend courses and seminars to update you on the latest trends and regulations. Attending industry conferences and fairs to gather information and network. Working with local legal experts to ensure compliance with market-specific regulations.

Give an example of a successful campaign or strategy that Fomento implemented in the LATAM market.
An example of success is our localized campaign for Brazil. Fomento launched a campaign in Brazil using local influencers to promote special offers on a gaming platform.

We collaborated with Brazilian influencers who promoted the offer on their social channels, created content and promotions in Brazilian Portuguese, adapted to local preferences, and used a combination of organic traffic, PPC and social media marketing. The campaign resulted in a significant increase in signups and conversions, with notable growth in traffic and engagement.

How does the company support its affiliates in optimizing their performance and achieving better results?
Fomento supports its affiliates through training and consultancy, tools and resources, using access to tools to analyze and improve campaign performance. We also use detailed performance analysis and suggestions to improve ROI. Plus, ongoing technical support to resolve any issues and ensure campaigns run without interruption.

Source: Exclusive GMB