SÁB 6 DE JULIO DE 2024 - 02:18hs.
June 5th

GR8 Tech and EstrelaBet discuss profitability of Brazilian sports betting sector in new workshop

The profitability of sports betting will be the topic of a workshop by the Gaming Operations Academy (GOA LATAM) on Wednesady (5) this week. The event will address advances in business activity in Brazil and regulatory highlights, among other insights. The meeting will be led by Thomas Carvalhaes, business development manager at GR8 Tech, and Felipe Fraga, CBO at EstrelaBet, with the participation of Magnho José, president of Instituto Jogo Legal (IJL).

The workshop will provide intelligent insights into the profitability of sports betting and a brief regulatory update in light of the advancement of regulation of the iGaming sector in Brazil.

It will be an opportune moment for those interested in the Brazilian market to gain a better understanding of how technology can make a difference in increasing profit margins, adapting to market needs.

This panel of experts will open space for a more in-depth discussion on:

  • Relevant regulatory highlights
  • Technical alerts (importance of geolocation, gamification, geospecific portfolio...)
  • User experience

The following participants are confirmed for the “Sports Betting Profitability” workshop:

  • Thomas Carvalhaes, Business Development Manager, GR8 Tech
  • Fellipe Fraga, Business Director, EstrelaBet
  • Magnho José, President of Instituto Jogo Legal

The workshop takes place on Wednesady (5) this week, at 2 pm (Brasília time). For more information and registration, simply click here.

Gaming Operations Academy (GOA LATAM) is a boutique training agency made up of a fun and diverse team of gaming professionals working in all areas of the industry.

GOA LATAM offers several courses dedicated to the Brazilian gaming and betting market, with the aim of bringing major global players closer to Brazil, which is growing more and more every day with the arrival of iGaming regulations.

Source: GMB