SÁB 6 DE JULIO DE 2024 - 03:38hs.
And finance actions and projects

Municipality of Valinhos in São Paulo to have own lottery to increase revenue

Councilors approved, last May 29th, the creation of the lottery for the São Paulo municipality of Valinhos, “Loto Solidária”. The new modality will finance actions and projects in the areas of social assistance, health, sport, culture, public safety, animal welfare, among other areas.

According to the modified project, all net revenue arising from the sale of lottery products, excluding the value of prizes, taxes and maintenance costs, will be allocated:

  • 50% of the value to finance actions and projects and contribution of funding resources in the areas of social assistance, health, sport, culture and animal welfare;
  • 12.5% ??to finance actions aimed at water security and the preservation of the environmental, historical and cultural heritage of Valinhos;
  • 12.5% ??to fund accessibility and inclusion actions and projects for people with disabilities or elderly people;
  • 12.5% ??towards the cost of cultural actions and projects; and
  • 12.5% ??to fund sports and leisure actions and projects.

Previously, the project authored by the Executive would be called LOTOVALI, but, during the session, councilors changed the original proposal, and now the lottery will be called Loto Solidária and will finance actions and projects in the areas of social assistance, health, sport, culture , public safety, animal welfare, among other areas.

“The amendment seeks precisely to facilitate the implementation and exploitation of lottery services at the municipal level in a safe and transparent manner, enabling an adequate financial return to the municipality and a more comprehensive allocation, returning to the most deficient sectors,” highlight the councilors.

Source: jornaldevalinhos.com.br