SÁB 6 DE JULIO DE 2024 - 01:13hs.
ENV research, in partnership with GMB

How to build trust? Assessing fairness in Brazil’s iGaming sector

In an exclusive partnership with ENV Media, GMB presents an analysis of Brazilian players' perceptions of fairness in the iGaming sector. The research reveals skepticism regarding the transparency of online gambling, highlighting the need for better communication about control mechanisms and transparent payment practices to strengthen player trust.

Addressing skepticism and building trust

The detailed survey uncovers a substantial degree of skepticism among Brazilian players regarding the fairness of online gambling.

35% of respondents believe that online gambling is unfair or very unfair, contrasted with only 19% who view it as fair or very fair.

This is related to the overwhelming lack of awareness by the players about how fairness in casino games is ensured - 74% of respondents admitted they did not know the mechanisms of how games are controlled and monitored.


Only 11% believe that games are tested for fairness, and 15% think they are both tested and monitored.

This significant knowledge gap highlights the critical need for industry stakeholders to communicate more effectively about the robust systems to ensure fair play and bridge the trust deficit through enhanced transparency and education.

Technologies such as Random Number Generators (RNGs) and "Provably Fair" algorithms are fundamental to maintaining the integrity of online games. These technologies are designed to produce genuinely random outcomes, which are then rigorously tested and certified by independent regulatory bodies.

However, the survey indicates that most Brazilian players are unaware of these processes, contributing to their skepticism.

The role of social media and misinformation

Social media plays a pivotal role in shaping public perception, often spreading misinformation that fuels doubts about the fairness of online gambling.

The study shows that 63% of respondents rely on social media for information about gambling, with 20% turning to influencers. This reliance can lead to the propagation of myths and misconceptions, such as "proven" manipulation methods.


For example, 62% of respondents have heard that playing at specific times can influence game outcomes, while 49% believe in cheat algorithms and 33% trust special codes.

This data highlights the critical need for accurate and reliable information to counteract the misinformation prevalent on social media platforms.

Building a transparent and trustworthy environment

The study also revealed that the perception of fairness is intricately linked to players' trust in the payout processes.

We can see that only 17% of players are confident that winnings are always paid out correctly, while 30% think it depends on the operator. On the other hand, 22% are unsure about payout reliability, and 12% believe that accurate payouts never occur.

These findings highlight the pressing need for consistent and transparent payout practices to build credibility among players.

Despite the skepticism, there is a notable level of comfort with online gambling among Brazilian players. 32% of respondents feel comfortable or very comfortable with online gambling, while 35% feel uncomfortable or very uncomfortable - a slight difference.

This distribution suggests that the level of acceptance is followed by room for improvement in public confidence in the fairness and safety of online gambling.

To foster a more trustworthy environment, industry stakeholders need to focus on building transparency and education. Brazilian players suggested actions they considered the most important to do this:


66% believe that greater transparency about game mechanics, odds, and results is the way to go, followed by stricter government regulations on the fairness of games (57%) - while actions like a clearer explanation of game rules (43%), independent audit reports (42%) and effective responsible gaming policies and tools (32%) are also heavily mentioned.

This shows that the Brazilian players are looking for improvement in the sector. By clearly communicating the rigorous processes that ensure game fairness and reliability, industry stakeholders can build a foundation of trust.

This involves not only educating players about the technologies and systems in place but also consistently demonstrating the industry's commitment to integrity and transparency.

Future outlook and trends

The future of Brazil's online gambling market is promising, provided the industry can address the current challenges of trust and transparency.

By leveraging advanced technologies and adhering to stringent regulatory standards, the industry can ensure fair play and build a more informed and confident player base.

Mid-term predictions suggest a continued trend toward market maturity, with increasing accessibility and tech-based innovation driving growth.

New-regulated markets, like Brazil, are expected to evolve gradually to meet global regulatory standards, unlocking substantial economic benefits and providing fertile ground for both existing iGaming enterprises and new entrants.

As Brazil continues to develop its online gambling sector, focusing on transparency and player education will be key to overcoming skepticism and fostering a sustainable environment.

By enhancing transparency, educating players about fairness mechanisms, and consistently demonstrating commitment to integrity, the industry can build a more trustworthy and robust online gambling market in Brazil.

ENV Media focuses on digital marketing and data-driven research for the iGaming industry. Its research and SEO teams support a wide range of partners, ensuring their visibility in LATAM and other emerging gaming markets.

Source: Maria Paula Nascimento, Researcher - ENV Media / GMB