MIÉ 26 DE JUNIO DE 2024 - 16:44hs.
With EBANX and other reputable charities

Caf and OKTO join forces and launch solidarity campaign to help Rio Grande do Sul victims

The Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul is still facing many difficulties due to severe flooding last month. Caf, OKTO, and EBANX join forces to request support in assisting this region. The three companies, so relevant within the security and payments sector of the gaming industry in Brazil, have partnered with several different reputable charities to urgently obtain donations.

Many families have lost their homes, and communities are still struggling mightily to recover. In some areas, the water has not yet fully receded, and once it does, massive clean-up efforts will be required.

Caf, OKTO, and EBANX have partnered with several different reputable charities if anyone wishes to donate to these recovery efforts.

All information and ways of helping can be found here.

This is a journey of recovery and rebuilding that will take years, not weeks or months. Companies will continue this campaign for as long as the people of Rio Grande do Sul need it.

In addition to cash donations, there will also be a collection point for clothing donations at the headquarters of each of the companies involved.

The top executives of the companies appear in a video posted on their social networks where they explain the delicate situation and call for everyone's solidarity to collaborate with the affected region.


Simone LeBlanc, Chief of People Office of Caf, describes the dramatic situation the region is facing: "Rio Grande do Sul has recently experienced devastating natural disasters affecting thousands of families and leaving a trail of destruction in its way."

"Our campaign aims to provide immediate and long-term support to help rebuild these communities. We invite you to join this wave of solidarity. Every contribution is crucial and will make a huge difference in the lives of those who need it most," said Filippos Antonopoulos, CEO of OKTO.

"Many cities are affected, and many families need support. Together we can make a difference. Our campaign aims to provide immediate and long-term support to help rebuild these communities. Let's turn hope into reality; donate now and help... you can make Rio Grande do Sul rise again," is the emotional message from Juliana Borges, VP of Operations of EBANX.

Heather Lamont, SVP of CX and Fraud Operations of Caf, also calls for the solidarity of everyone: "In this time of need, we are joining forces to raise funds and provide aid to the most affected regions. You can also make a monetary donation by choosing any one of the trustworthy institutions participating in the campaign to direct your donation to."

"Please keep helping; there is still a lot of work to be done!" is the final message from all in this tough moment for Gaúcha society.

Source: GMB