MIÉ 26 DE JUNIO DE 2024 - 16:38hs.
Carla Dualib, regional business development manager

“SOFTSWISS is reviewing processes in Brazil to receive the flag first”

SOFTSWISS has been increasingly attentive to the direction of the Brazilian sports betting and online gaming market. Now with former F1 driver Rubens Barrichello as non-executive director, the company has further sought to tropicalize its solutions for the country. In an exclusive interview with GMB, regional business development manager Carla Dualib states: “We are reviewing the process to adapt everything to Brazil and we want to receive the checkered flag first.”

GMB – The Brazilian government recently released the ordinance that presents the regulations for betting houses to qualify. How are the operators using the SOFTSWISS Plataform moving?
Carla Dualib: The operators are moving quickly. This is necessary at the moment. We know that the next 90 days will be crucial for the application of the Brazilian license. So, our operators are working hard, and we hope they will apply for the license soon. Not only the operators working with us but also many who are coming and with whom we are in the process of negotiating. We expect our base to expand significantly in the coming months.

GLI was the first laboratory to receive authorization from the Secretary of Prizes and Betting to conduct tests and certifications, and you are their partners. Does this mean that the SOFTSWISS platform is ready for the Brazilian market?
Without a doubt, we are ready and in compliance with GLI. So, the next steps for SOFTSWISS are to await the ordinance that will define what we need to do in terms of the process, but we are compliant, without a doubt.

The fact that you are a global company helps a lot because most of the technical requirements are already met, right?
Exactly, all of them are already met. It's just about understanding the specific requirements for the Brazilian market to move forward.

Speaking of the Brazilian market, having Rubens Barrichello as a non-executive director of SOFTSWISS, what can he contribute to bringing new operators to the company?
He contributes immensely as a non-executive director. We are very happy to have him on our team. He adds a lot from a technical, innovation, and technology perspective. The contributions have been immense. The intense meetings and the partnership he has established with us have been and will continue to be very fruitful with our partners.

With the regulation in the final phase, what are the next steps for SOFTSWISS?
To further consolidate ourselves in the Brazilian market. As I always emphasize, localization is fundamental and necessary. The processes are always being reviewed, and once again, with the help of Rubinho and the local team, we have been reviewing processes and identifying what we need to do to better serve the Brazilian market. This is what SOFTSWISS does best.

We have the best technology, we are always innovating, with a great team, the best developers, and the best technology. This is what we offer to the Brazilian market, now more than ever. Technology will be one of the significant differentiators in this context.

On top of all this, you also have a driver to steer the process?
Absolutely, we have the best driver with us. We will navigate the curves of the Brazilian market to reach the checkered flag in first place.

Source: Exclusive GMB