SÁB 6 DE JULIO DE 2024 - 03:07hs.
Investments in tourism and real estate market

Commerce Confederation highlights importance of approving bill that legalizes gambling in Brazil

The National Confederation of Commerce (CNC) saw the approval of Bill 2,234/2022 by the Senate Constitution and Justice Committee that legalizes gambling in Brazil as a positive step. It represents an important milestone for the regulation of the sector, which has long been defended by the entity. The CNC believes that it will pave the way for a significant influx of investments in tourism, real estate and culture and will bring greater transparency and control over the activity.


The legalization of gambling allows us to envision many investments in the country and thousands of jobs for Brazilians. We are optimistic about the progress of this matter, as it is a thriving sector that generates taxes for public authorities, development and income for Brazil,” says the president of the CNC-Sesc-Senac System, José Roberto Tadros.

For the director, casinos represent one of the biggest potentials in the entertainment industry, they promote tourism and boost the economy.

Bill 2,234/2022 establishes a set of rules for the exploration of gambling and betting in Brazil, giving the federal government responsibility for the registrations and licensing of companies interested in operating both in physical spaces and on online platforms.

The Bill authorizes the installation of a casino in each state and the Federal District, with the exception of São Paulo, which may have up to three casinos, and Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Amazonas and Pará, which may have up to two each, due to the size of the population or territory.

The exploration of games on commercial vessels will also be permitted, according to specific limits.

Source: O Globo