JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 11:35hs.
Strategy is the formation of majority

Casinos, bingo and jogo do bicho bill could be a priority for the Senate after recess

Held in the Senate for at least a year and a half, the project that allows casinos, bingos and jogo do bicho in Brazil began to gain support from senators. President Rodrigo Pacheco should advance the vote as one of the priorities in the second half of the year. The text was approved by the Constitution and Justice Commission (CCJ) and parliamentarians are working to negotiate the formation of a majority to approve the text.

Senators interviewed by the website IstoÉ stated that the priorities at the moment will be projects that deal with state debts and payroll relief. After the votes, the House must go into recess until August 1st.

The project's rapporteur, senator Irajá (PSD-TO), stated that he was confident in the approval of the text in the Senate plenary and minimized resistance. In the parliamentarian's assessment, the measure will boost employment and should boost tourism in Brazil.

“This matter will do good for the country. There will be investments of around R$100 billion (US$ 18.5bn) and new projects over an average period of five years, in addition to the generation of more than 1 million new direct and indirect jobs. The countries that have already approved the measure have shown that tourism has grown a lot. Meanwhile, Brazil watches other countries and stays out of the world tourism circuit,” he said.

“I am very confident of approval in the plenary. We have the majority of senators to approve the matter. The text has been on hold for a year and a half and we had the opportunity to have a broad debate, already exhausting this discussion. The matter is ready to be assessed, with all due respect to colleagues who have any divergent opposition, but then it is an ideological issue, a religious issue,” he concluded.

In fact, casinos are expected to inject billions of reais into the Brazilian economy. According to the Federation of Hotels, Bars, Restaurants and Similar Products of the State of São Paulo (Fhoresp), approximately R$30 billion (US$ 5.5bn) in turnover is expected in the state of São Paulo alone.

“We raised around R$15 billion (US$ 2.75bn) in daily allowances and R$5 billion (US$ 920k) in food and drinks today. I believe we can add around 20 to 30% of these values ??in daily rates and up to 50% in food. Not to mention the marginal revenues, from machines and games. With this, I can double the value with a new flow and reach R$30 billion per year,” says Bruno Omori, director of Fhoresp.

“The proposal does not authorize the use of credit cards, only Pix or debit, in addition to banning bank financing and loans. The creation of a national player registry is also planned. It’s like a Serasa, but to identify that player who may be compulsive,” he says.

Source: IstoÉ