JUE 4 DE JULIO DE 2024 - 18:18hs.
Guidance from 1win Partners

CPA, REV, Hybrid: what is the best cooperation model to work with ads in iGaming?

1win Partners is increasingly closer to its affiliates, and in this exclusive article for GMB it guides partners on the best cooperation model for working with ads in iGaming. And it emphasizes better profitability for them, which are the driving force behind the company's success in the online gaming market in Brazil.

Over the course of the month, 1win Partners demonstrated to you a way to leverage Facebook Ads (part 1 and part 2), as well as using Google Ads to transfer traffic. Both platforms feature high conversion rates, helping trading managers achieve profit.

But what is the best cooperation model for working with advertisements, or as an influencer? We even have an article on how to generate traffic as an influencer.

In today's article, we will show you what the cooperation models are, their advantages, advantages and how to work with each of them. And don't forget that our Telegram channel, Instagram and Youtube pages have the best content for you, traffic manager.


After all, what is CPA?

CPA is an acronym for 'cost per action', that is, a cooperation model where the advertiser pays a fixed fee every time a visitor performs a specific action.

In this cooperation model, the affiliate/partner has the purpose of attracting new players to the platform, receiving a fixed amount for each new player, which is agreed between the partner and the affiliate manager, which may vary according to the audience and reach of the traffic manager.

Remembering that in the CPA model, payment is only made if the objective is achieved, if the conditions agreed with the affiliate manager are met, as payment varies according to the results achieved.

REV, RS, Revenue Share - what is it?

Revenue Share (RevShare): in this business model, the affiliate receives part of the revenue generated by players who entered their link, that is, 50% of the profits go to the affiliate and 50% to the company. Throughout the time the player is active, the partner will receive the profit generated by him.

In the Revshare model there are two cooperation models, NGR and GGR.

NGR is when the company shares operating costs, fees and charges with the affiliate, causing partners to make a lower profit. The GGR model, which our company works with, does not share the costs with the partner. Therefore, the affiliate can obtain a greater profit, since they do not need to worry about the costs of the action.

Hybrid model

The Hybrid model is nothing more than the CPA model in conjunction with the RevShare model, which offers a more flexible and balanced approach. The affiliate can receive as much as a fixed amount per player, as well as participate in the company's revenue.

They are popular because they offer the best of CPA and the Hybrid model, but to work with this model, you need a lot of attention, as the results metrics can be different.


What is the best cooperation model?

Let's talk about the differences between the models presented.

For those who see an immediate return, the CPA is the most recommended, as it allows the return to be controlled, since it is possible to predict, in a certain way, how its performance will be, and how many players it will be able to attract in a short space of time

For those who want to guarantee extra income, but thinking about the long term, Revenue Share is the best strategy, because even if the promotions do not continue, you can continue to receive, depending on the players who were attracted to you.

When we talk about the Hybrid model, we think about the best of both worlds, since it is possible to bring together the positive from both sides. However, the Hybrid model can be more complex, requiring goals and performance to be monitored more carefully.


The CPA, Revshare and Hybrid models have their own characteristics, advantages and advantages. The choice between them must be made thinking about the objective, budget and time that can be invested in each campaign. The CPA model offers control and predictability, the Rev shares the risks and benefits, while the Hybrid balances both factors.

To choose the best model, the one that applies to your reality, count on the affiliate managers at 1win Partners, they will help you from making the decision until the end.

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Source: 1win Partners