DOM 7 DE JULIO DE 2024 - 10:36hs.
Hebara and Pay4Fun among them

São Paulo City Hall defines 5 companies to carry out studies on municipal lottery and sports betting

São Paulo City Hall approved five companies to carry out studies on the implementation of the municipal lottery. Launched in April this year, the Notice provides that those chosen will present a diagnosis of scenarios and surveys of operational, economic-financial and legal-regulatory viability. Hebara, Pay4Fun, Big Brazil, Consórcio BMR and Cordeiro Lima Advogados were approved. They will have 60 days to deliver the evaluations, which involve traditional modalities, sports betting and online gambling.

In April this year, the City of São Paulo launched Public Call Notice 002/2024, calling on companies to present diagnostic studies of plans and surveys of operational, economic-financial, legal-regulatory forecasts with a view to assisting the Public Administration in the implementation and operation of lotteries and betting in the city.

When explaining the launch of the call, São Paulo City Hall pointed to the growth of the lottery market and its auxiliary role in financing public policies in the city and the Municipality's potential to improve lottery activities.


After completing the questioning and proposal presentation phase, five companies were approved to carry out the studies requested in the Call Notice:

1. Big Brazil Tecnologia e Loteria S.A.;

2. Consórcio BMR;

3. Cordeiro, Lima Sociedade de Advogados;

4. Hebara Distribuidora de Produtos Lotéricos S.A.;

5. Pay4Fun Instituição de Pagamento S.A.

The chosen companies will have 60 days to present their studies, which will cover:

Number lottery: one in which drawable elements are sold, the prize for which is offered in kind and/or in goods and the draw takes place based on the results of official lottery draws or draws carried out by civil charitable or sports associations, supervised by the Administration Public;

Instant lottery: one with instant draws carried out using individual drawable elements, using a combination of numbers or symbols for the previously established prize distribution;

Conventional lottery: the one with the sale of previously numbered drawable tickets, in physical (printed) or virtual (electronic) media, the draw of which will be carried out using prefixed data, for distribution to winners of prizes announced in advance;

Sports prediction lottery: lottery in which the bettor tries to predict the outcome of sporting events;

Specific prediction lottery: indication, by the bettor, of a set of predictions about integers and a football club, defined as the Heart Team, contained in promotional forms, called flyers; and

Fixed-odds betting: betting system relating to real sports-themed events or virtual online gaming events, in accordance with the definitions of Federal Law No. 14,790/2023.

At the end of June, Mayor Ricardo Nunes (MDB) presented the project to implement the São Paulo City Lottery to the City Council, approved in the first symbolic vote.

According to Nunes, the gross revenue resulting from the sale of municipal lottery products, by physical or virtual means, will be allocated, primarily, to the payment of prizes, the collection of income tax levied on the prize and funding and maintenance expenses.

The profit will be allocated to the Municipal Social Development Fund (50%), the reduction of the Social Security deficit and the payment of court orders.

The project is already based on the study proposals presented in Public Call Notice 002/2024.

The creation of a municipal lottery service has the potential to, at the same time, enable auxiliary financing of public policies through the collection of lottery resources, as well as allowing the supervision and control of the activities of municipal lottery operators in favor of safety and protection of São Paulo citizens,” says the justification contained in the project to create the São Paulo City Lottery.

Source: GMB