JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 11:37hs.
Security and protection for users

Lottopar tool monitors and blocks players from overspending on sports betting

Thinking about the financial security of bettors, Lottopar maintains a tool on its management and payment methods platform that allows users to set a maximum spending limit on bets. Furthermore, the system monitors your behavior and generates alarms about amounts above those commonly spent.

In operation since last year, sports betting sites that operate under regulation have strict rules to be able to offer this form of entertainment to the people of Paraná. Among them is the obligation to be connected to Lottopar's management platform and payment methods. No licensed company receives authorization to operate without being connected to this platform.

With this tool, it is possible to monitor in real time, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, uninterruptedly, all lottery activities in the state. This makes it possible to promptly detect possible signs of suspicious bets, monitor bank transfers, track not only deposits and withdrawals, but all bets through a single verification number, with the transfer of credits between bettors prohibited.

These features guarantee the security of the lottery market in Paraná and always respect the provisions of the General Personal Data Protection Law (LGPD).

To prevent debt

Furthermore, the platform contracted by Lottopar prevents the payment of bets by credit card with the main objective of protecting bettors from debt and shielding accredited operators from possible fraud, such as contesting the purchase, popularly known as "chargeback". In it, the bettor places the bet, receives the prize, but to the card operator the bettor says he does not recognize the purchase.

The platform also monitors betting patterns. If a certain bettor spends, for example, R$50 a month on bets and the following month he starts spending R$10,000 on bets, an alert is generated in the system indicating a possible compulsive gambler or a possible attempt to manipulate the result. sports. The operator of the betting site is notified to block this bettor's account.

Another tool made available by Lottopar with the aim of ensuring the protection of bettors is self-exclusion. “We are the only lottery in Latin America to offer this functionality,” highlights the company from Paraná.

Bettors who feel the need to block access to betting sites for a certain period or indefinitely can do so directly via a link from the authority, without the need to access each of the authorized operators. The exclusion will be effective on all sites within 24 hours of the request made by the bettor or his legal guardian.

During the exclusion period, the account is limited only to checking history and withdrawing remaining balances. The minimum self-exclusion period is 30 days, but it can be indefinite. Reactivation of registration will be automatic after the period defined in the self-exclusion.

Source: GMB