LUN 16 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 17:13hs.
Under analysis in Deputies Chamber

Project foresees special lottery contests to help Brazilian municipalities in calamity

Bill 2060/24 creates the Loteria Humanitária, made up of special competitions administered by Caixa Econômica Federal (CEF) to collect and allocate resources to Brazilian municipalities in a state of public calamity following natural disasters. The project was presented by deputy Valdir Cobalchini together with five other parliamentarians.

According to the text under review in the Chamber of Deputies, the total revenue from each special contest will be divided as follows:

- 30% for the gross prize;

- 68% for distribution, proportionally to the affected population, among the municipalities in a state of public calamity after natural disasters; and

- 2% for the remuneration of lottery agents.

These special contests will be subject to the requirements of severity of the public calamity established by the National Secretariat for Civil Protection and Defense. It will be up to the Executive Branch to define the regulations of the future law.

The funds will be transferred by Caixa to the municipalities and must be used exclusively for emergency assistance to the affected population. Within 120 days of receiving the money, the municipality will provide an accounting report.

The measure will allow for a quick response to the communities and people affected, in addition to facilitating the recovery and reconstruction process,” explains Congressman Cobalchini, who presented the bill together with five other members of parliament.

The Bill is being processed in a conclusive manner and will be analyzed by the committees of National Integration and Regional Development; Finance and Taxation; and Constitution and Justice. To become law, it will also have to be approved by the Senate.

Source: Agência Câmara de Notícias