SÁB 7 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:55hs.
Leading global integrity organization

SIGA Latin America creates guidelines for sponsorship contracts for ‘bets’ and sports organizations

SIGA Latin America has just published a set of guidelines to be applied in sponsorship contracts between sports organizations and iGaming operators in order to secure that they ensure and preserve integrity. The full document can be downloaded at the end of this article.

The proposal presented by SIGA Latin America aims to respond to the exponential growth in sponsorships by sports betting operators to sports organizations in Brazil, at a time when almost all of the clubs in the Série A and all of the Série B of the Brazilian Football Championship are already sponsored by iGaming operators (locally called ‘bets’).

The document systematizes the best practice guidelines to govern sponsorship contracts in this area, ensuring compliance with SIGA's Universal Sports Betting Integrity Standards.

The new guidelines were developed to ensure that partnerships between sports betting operators and sports organizations are conducted with integrity, transparency and accountability. These guidelines aim not only to strengthen the position of both parties in the market, but also to protect the integrity, good reputation and credibility of the sport as a whole.

Among other pertinent recommendations, the guidelines prescribe that:

- Sports betting operators must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including Law No. 13,756/2018 and Law No. 14,790/2023 in Brazil;

- The operator must receive the opinion and certification of SIGA, through the implementation of its Universal Standards on Sports Betting Integrity and the scrutiny resulting from the application of SIRVS;

- Operators must hold a legally valid license, issued by the Secretariat for Prizes and Bets (SPA) of the Ministry of Economy in Brazil;

- All financial transactions and marketing campaigns must be integral and transparent, and contribute to the promotion of a responsible gaming environment;

- Education and prevention programs on the risks of competition manipulation and conflicts of interest must be promoted regularly for athletes, coaches and other sports agents.

Emanuel Macedo de Medeiros, SIGA Global CEO, and Chairman and CEO of SIGA Latin America, highlighted the importance of the initiative:

SIGA Latin America is proud to be a pioneer in developing this set of guidelines for sponsoring sports betting operators in Brazil. In pursuit of our leading mission, SIGA is once again taking a step forward and making another valuable contribution to the cause of integrity in sports. The timing is deliberate, highly symbolic and could not be more appropriate: on the eve of the official opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. I am certain that this contribution will be recognized and appreciated by both betting operators and the sports movement, not forgetting, of course, the authorities responsible for protecting the public interest and enforcing the law.

I would therefore like to take this opportunity to express our appreciation to all the experts who worked with us to achieve this important goal, especially Paulo Schmitt, president of the Standing Committee on Integrity and Sports Betting at SIGA Latin America, who masterfully and with great dedication led the preparation of these Guidelines.

Celebrating this significant progress and reaffirming our commitment to integrity and transparency in sport, we hope that Paris 2024 will be held with complete sportsmanship, contribute to peace and unity among peoples and leave a lasting legacy of inclusion, diversity and sustainability.


Paulo Schmitt, Integrity Consultant for the Brazilian Olympic Committee (COB) and Chairman of the Standing Committee on Integrity and Sports Betting at SIGA Latin America, added:

The importance of guidelines for sponsorships by betting operators is vital, especially with the rise of sports betting and its partnerships with sports organizations such as Confederations, Federations, Clubs and Associations, notably in Brazil. These guidelines guarantee much more than financial benefits; they ensure integrity and ethics in sport.”

By establishing compliance with laws, anti-corruption measures, prevention of competition manipulation and promotion of responsible gaming, the guidelines create a safe and transparent environment. The Sport Integrity Global Alliance (SIGA) plays a key role in promoting these standards through its Independent Rating and Verification System (SIRVS).

Adopting these guidelines strengthens partnerships, ensuring that they are conducted in an ethical and safe manner, preserving the integrity of sport and promoting trust and respect in the sporting environment.

SIGA Latin America invites all Brazilian sports organizations, betting operators and stakeholders to adopt these guidelines and work together to keep sports free from any form of manipulation and illicit activity.

Organized under the auspices of Emanuel Macedo de Medeiros and prepared by Paulo Schmitt, this detailed and structured work was supported by Ana Bárbara Costa Teixeira (lawyer and consultant for the National Association of Games and Lotteries – ANJL and member of the advisory body of SIGA Latin America). The document also had the collaboration of several experts who are part of the Standing Committee on Integrity and Sports Betting.

SIGA is the world’s leading Sports Integrity organization. It creates a completely new landscape for the sports industry by providing independent global classification and certification for global sport to ensure that it is governed and operates according to the highest standards of integrity: SIGA’s Universal Standards.

SIGA Latin America is committed to promoting the highest standards of integrity and governance in sport throughout the region, as part of an ongoing global reform to restore the sector’s reputation and regain its much-needed credibility.

To this end, SIGA Latin America is working with all key public and private stakeholders in Latin America, in a framework of positive dialogue, constructive cooperation and mutual respect. It is the third in the SIGA continental structure and was established in July 2022.

Source: GMB