JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 11:44hs.
To be operated by Pixbet

Flamengo wants its own betting house, estimates revenue of at least US$ 14.5m

Flamengo's marketing department will present to the Deliberative Council the possibility of obtaining new money for the club. This involves licensing a betting house called 'Flabet'. It would be operated by Pixbet, the club's master sponsor until December 2027. The expected revenue is at least R$82.5 million (US$ 14.5m).

In an unexpected move, Flamengo will discuss in its Deliberative Council the licensing of a betting house to be operated by Pixbet, the club's current master sponsor. The news was published by ge and the proposal is from’ Mengão's’ marketing department.

Although its name is associated with Flamengo, “Flabet” will bring together games from all clubs and different sports.

Flamengo's expected revenue is at least R$82.5 million (US$ 14.5m). The creation of “Flabet” is guaranteed to receive R$10 million in 2024 (US$ 1.8m), R$22.5 million (US$ 4m) in 2025 and R$25 million (US$ 4.5m) in 2026 and 2027 each.

But it is possible that the club will get more money from the deal. In the offer presented, Flamengo has a guaranteed minimum of R$82.5 million (US$ 14.5m). However, the club can receive more money if the 1% of gross revenue from bets is higher than the guaranteed minimum. In the board's view, revenue from bets will be higher.

The expectation is that the new revenue obtained by the club’s marketing will be voted on by Flamengo's Deliberative Council within a period of 10 days.

Source: ge