JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 11:45hs.
Key strategy for any professional in the field

PropellerAds: why diversify your marketing channels?

Many advertisers in Brazil remain loyal to Google and Facebook as their primary marketing channels, rarely exploring new possibilities. This sounds counterintuitive since any solid marketing strategy requires mastering the art of testing. Diversifying is crucial for any professional in the field. In this article, PropellerAds shows you why companies should consider doing this.

PropellerAds recently entered the Brazilian market, bringing a range of ad formats and features that challenge the outdated methods through which marketers struggle every day to gain traffic. The problem is that this traffic is becoming more expensive and competitive, making diversification a necessity.

Some statistics

Data published by the Search Engine Journal in September 2023 shows that the cost per click (CPC) on Google ads increased by 5% compared to the previous year, and the cost of acquisition (CAC) grew by 20% in the same period.

The Google Ads Benchmarks 2024 report by WordStream analyzed over 17,000 campaigns between April 2023 and March 2024 and revealed that:

* The cost per click (CPC) increased for 86% of industries, with sectors such as Real Estate, Sports & Recreation, and Personal Services seeing increases of over 25% year over year;

* The conversion rate decreased for 12 out of 23 industries, with an average drop of 1%;

* The cost per lead also increased for 19 out of the 23 industries analyzed, with an average increase of about 25%.

Now, let's answer why you should diversify your marketing channels.

1. The audience is dispersed

Regardless of your niche, your users are not all in one place. The glory days of Facebook are fading, despite its still notable popularity. On the other hand, many people don't even visit sites that monetize their traffic via Google AdSense.

Relying on a single source of traffic, besides being against the principle of diversification, puts the advertiser at risk of reaching the same audiences ad infinitum, harming the CTR in the long run.

2. Costs and time

When it comes to traffic acquisition channels, cost and time are crucial factors. Advertising on Facebook is expensive. Google requires highly detailed optimizations for ads to gain traction (especially due to the high competition). And in terms of organic traffic, a robust SEO campaign takes time and effort.

While it doesn’t offer as granular targeting options as Facebook, advertising with PropellerAds is very cheap and can deliver quick results. The point here is not to abandon your current acquisition channel but to find a balance.

3. Restrictions

The most popular platforms for advertisers are very restrictive and do not allow just anything to be advertised. Facebook, for example, does not allow iGaming and Dating ads without specific permission, which requires a long, complicated, and tiring process.

Another factor is the rules, which change constantly. Today your campaign may be running normally, but tomorrow it could be banned or interrupted without prior notice. Another scenario where diversification is the best solution.

4. User behavior

Naturally, user behavior varies between platforms. That is, the motivations and goals of Facebook users are different from those who browse news sites or blogs.

That said, it's expected that users won't respond the same way to ads on different platforms. Diversifying traffic sources will help you find the perfect balance between acquisition channels and your strategy, maximizing the different platforms and their lead flows.

5. Variety of formats

Again: diversification is key! Each acquisition channel offers different ad formats, allowing advertisers to engage their audience in various ways. For example, while Facebook is great for short videos and static images, platforms like PropellerAds offer Interstitial and Pop-under formats that capture user attention in a completely different way.

6. Risk reduction

Every marketer should keep in mind that diversification is not just a way to explore different formats and audiences, but also to reduce the inherent risks of any monopoly.

There is a constant and exponential increase in competition among advertisers on channels like Google and Facebook, causing a kind of inflation in acquisition costs.

Having well-configured campaigns on other marketing channels can shield you from this type of problem.

Stop relying solely on Google and Facebook ads — check out PropellerAds ad formats and explore a new world of opportunities!

Source: GMB