SÁB 6 DE JULIO DE 2024 - 04:17hs.
Paulo Horn, lawyer and former Loterj VP

Rio de Janeiro: The ‘Entertainment Capital’ is the golden opportunity for gambling

Rio de Janeiro's strength in tourism can be vigorously leveraged with the approval of the bill that authorizes gambling in Brazil. This is the assessment of Paulo Horn, lawyer and former VP of Loterj, in an exclusive article for GMB. “The legalization of casinos in the Marvelous City is not just an economic measure, but an opportunity to consolidate it as a global entertainment center,” he points out.

The Marvelous City, known for its natural beauty, contagious samba, and Carnival that paralyzes the world, is poised to add a new chapter to its history: the legalization of gambling. The prohibition of casinos, in effect since 1946, increasingly appears outdated in a world where gambling regulation is the norm, driving economies and creating jobs in many countries.

The proposal to legalize casinos, bingo halls, and the jogo do bicho in Brazil represents a crucial step for Rio de Janeiro, which boasts a unique tourism and entertainment potential. It can attract investments and establish itself as a globally relevant destination, with estimates of generating R$14 billion (US$2.5bn) annually and collecting R$ 20 billion (US$3.55bn) in taxes, according to data from the Instituto Jogo Legal - IJL.

A new direction for Rio's economy

Rio de Janeiro, with its tradition of hospitality and well-established tourist infrastructure, was once a key driver of the national economy. However, economic stagnation and lack of investment have overshadowed the city's tourism potential. The legalization of casinos presents a golden opportunity to revitalize tourism, boost job creation and income, and ensure a prosperous future for the city.

International experience demonstrates the success of gambling regulation. Countries like the United States, China, Germany, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and India, with regulated and monitored casinos, benefit from a sector that generates millions of direct and indirect jobs, attracts foreign investment, and stimulates the economy.

Rio de Janeiro as a global entertainment hub

The legalization of casinos in Rio de Janeiro is not merely an economic measure but an opportunity to solidify the city as a global entertainment hub. Imagine the city, with its iconic landmarks such as the Christ the Redeemer statue, Sugarloaf Mountain, and pristine beaches, shining even brighter with high-end casinos promoting events, shows, and attractions that enhance tourism and culture.

Integrating casinos into resorts and tourist hubs, as envisioned in Senate Bill 2,234/22, ready for discussion and voting, creates a sophisticated and appealing environment for tourists worldwide. Rio de Janeiro, with its rich cultural tradition, spectacular landscapes, and vibrant atmosphere, has all the elements to regain its status as one of the world's premier entertainment destinations.

Undeniable economic and social benefits

Legalizing gambling, including reopening casinos in Rio de Janeiro, will bring a series of benefits, including:

* Job creation: The establishment of new jobs in areas such as hospitality, services, construction, and entertainment, stimulating income generation for thousands of families.

* Increased tourism: Attracting international and domestic tourists, boosting the hotel sector, restaurants, bars, shops, and other commercial activities, promoting sustainable economic growth.

* Tax revenue: Generating revenue for public coffers through sector taxation, allowing investments in areas such as health, education, and security.

* Urban revitalization: Creating new leisure and entertainment areas in strategic locations, revitalizing degraded areas, and transforming them into centers of development.

A new chapter in Rio de Janeiro's history

The legalization of casinos, with proper regulation and oversight, represents a new chapter in Rio de Janeiro's history. It's a golden opportunity for the city to reinvent itself, attract investments, create jobs, boost the economy, and establish itself as a world-class tourist destination.

The time is ripe for the city to position itself as an entertainment and tourism center, boosting its growth and development, and ensuring a prosperous future for future generations. Rio de Janeiro, with its tradition of overcoming and its ability to reinvent itself, is ready to embrace this new era of opportunities.

Paulo Horn
Founding partner of Paiva & Horn Advogados Associados, Master in City Law from the State University of Rio de Janeiro, President of the Sports, Lotteries, and Entertainment Commission of OAB/RJ, member of the Brazilian Association of Political and Electoral Law and the Constitutional Law Commission of OAB/RJ, former Vice President of the Lottery of the State of Rio de Janeiro - Loterj.