JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 11:43hs.
From a consumerist perspective

Procon-SP advocates protocol to address harmful effects of online gambling

On Monday (29) this week during the Riocon II Consumer Relations Congress, Procon-SP presented a protocol of actions to prevent and address harmful practices and effects resulting from online gambling in Brazil, from a consumerist perspective, in order to prevent over-indebtedness and gambling disorder.

The proposal, in partnership with the Associação Procons Brasil, Procon Carioca, Fórum de Procons do Nordeste and Senacon – National Secretariat for Consumer Defense, of the Ministry of Justice, is that all entities of the National Consumer Defense System – SNDC develop integrated educational activities focused on responsible gambling.

The proponents intend for consumer defense agencies to share issues and problems faced by consumers and the practices of providers of these services, in order to support the adoption of public policies and appropriate measures.

For the signatories of the aforementioned protocol, this integrated action by the State will be essential for effective consumer protection and defense, especially considering their vulnerability in the consumer market.

The initiative was justified by the proponents in light of the growth of online gaming and betting services, which already involve millions of Brazilian consumers and have been growing exponentially with the advancement of digital technologies, countless offers and advertisements.

Source: GMB