DOM 8 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 21:06hs.
‘Fortune Tige’ has finally been authorized

Government publishes rules for crash games, slots, roulette and other online and live games

Brazil’s Ministry of Finance published in the Official Gazette this Wednesday (31) ordinance 1,207, which establishes technical criteria for crash games, slot machines, roulette and other online and live games. The famous and popular ‘Fortune Tiger’ was finally authorized because it has a fixed quota. According to the new rules, the games must make available to users, at the time of betting, what is the multiplication factor for each real (local currency) bet.

The Ordinance:

- Establishes that the outcome of an online game is determined by the outcome of a random future event, from a random generator of numbers, symbols, figures or objects;

- Establishes that online games must indicate, at the time of the bet, the multiplication factor that determines how much the bettor will receive if he or she wins;

- Offers the payout table, indicating all the possibilities of winnings for the bettor before the bet;

- Determines that a bettor who remains inactive for 30 minutes must be considered to have left the game;

- Prohibits games from being offered in physical format, such as slot machines, which remain prohibited;

The sector believes that games such as ‘Fortune Tiger’ fall into the category of online games.

So far, only five companies have requested authorization: Kaizen (owner of the Betano brand), MMD Tecnologia (Rei do Pitaco), Ventmear Brasil (Sportingbet), Big Brazil Tecnologia (Caesars Sportsbook) and SPRBTBR (Superbet).

Duties of applications

According to the ordinance, the betting application must provide certain information about the online game, such as:

- The rules of the game and the paytable must be clear and fair, without misleading players.

- The help screen must be available without having to make a deposit or bet.

- Information about minimum, maximum and other bets must be clear.

- The paytable must be shown at the beginning and be available throughout the game.

- Prizes must not change after the bet is placed.

- If there are multipliers, it must be clear when they apply.

- The game art must clearly explain how to win prizes, including the order and amount of symbols required.

- The game must not promise future winnings, such as “triple payout soon”, due to randomness.


Ordinance authorizes ‘Fortune Tiger’?

About 15 days ago, members of the Ministry of Finance (MF) said that the ‘Fortune Tiger’ could be offered by the platforms, if it underwent some adaptations in its structure – which were not detailed at the time.

The members of the MF explained that the changes will need to be made, but that the Tiger Game could be offered because it has a fixed quota, that is, the bettor knows how much he will win depending on how much he bets, and the result is determined randomly, from a random generator of numbers, symbols, figures or objects. Both concepts are recognized as legal by law 14.790/2023.

The ordinance authorizes the operation of games of this type in the country. The government classifies in this category games in which “the result is determined by the outcome of a random future event, from a random generator of numbers, symbols, figures or objects defined in the rules system”.

This segment does not include, for example, sports betting platforms, which the government classifies as “multi-bettor games”, in which “the actions of the bettor or results obtained by him are influenced by the result or action of any other bettor”.

Rules by game types

The ordinance also imposes rules so that bettors are aware of what they are competing for in multiple bet games. According to the document, "each individual bet placed must be clearly indicated so that the bettor has no doubts about which bets were made and the credits wagered on each of them."

With the regulation, each prize won must be presented to the bettor in a way that he or she clearly associates the prize with the bet that paid for it.

The ordinance presents variations in rules for different types of games. They are: Online Line Games, online Crash Games, online card games, online roulette games, online Sports or Racing games, online Dice games and online ball and number drawing games. Understand each type of bet:

Line games

According to the regulations, in this type of game, the player must receive a clear and detailed presentation of the available paylines and the winning combinations displayed on the game screen.

In the case of games that allow multiple credits to be bet on selected lines, the artwork must:

- for linear payouts, clearly indicate that the winnings for each selected line are multiplied by the respective multiplication factor or for non-linear payouts, inform all possible bets and their respective prizes;

In addition, the multiplication factor, common in online casino-type gambling games, must be clearly displayed and the artwork must indicate the rules and limitations of how payouts are evaluated.

Thus, the player must be informed about which winning lines are considered, i.e. whether from left to right, from right to left, or both. In addition, the betting company must inform how individual symbols are considered: whether payouts occur with sequential or scattered combinations.

Online crash games

This type of game is popularly known on platforms as the "rocket game" or "little plane game", and may have other variables.

In the airplane model, for example, as soon as an aircraft starts flying, the prize value increases and the bettor has to decide when to stop the flight - if the word Crashed appears before then, the bet is lost.

According to the regulation, the games must be random and not based on the bettor's skill. Furthermore, according to the ordinance, the rules must indicate:

- the frequency of the increase in the prize multiplier value that the bettor can reach;

- the minimum multiplier value at which the bettor can redeem the prize;

- any functionality for the bettor to pre-select the prize multiplier value at which an automatic redemption will occur;

The game must clearly display the value of the increasing multiplier, according to the defined frequency and must also determine to the bettor when it occurs:

- manual redemption by the bettor while the value of the multiplier is increasing and is above the minimum value;

- automatic redemption when the value of the prize multiplier increases to the value pre-selected by the bettor for redemption, when supported;

- automatic redemption when the multiplier value increases to the maximum value established by the game or collision, when the value of the prize multiplier stops increasing and the bettor loses the game;

- the new rules also define that, when a redemption occurs, the value of the prize at the time of redemption must be granted to the bettor. In addition, the game interface must ensure the accuracy of clicks on the buttons or on the touchscreen so as not to interfere with the bettor's interaction;

- bets placed in this type of game must be independent of the bets of others who are playing simultaneously.

Online card games

The ordinance determines that the following requirements must be applied to games that simulate cards being drawn from one or more decks:

- cards must be drawn from randomly shuffled decks, and random numbers may be drawn as replacement cards when the random numbers of the first hand are drawn, provided that the replacement cards are used sequentially as needed and that the stored random number generator (RNG) values ??are encrypted;

- once drawn from the decks, cards must not be returned, unless this is clearly and previously defined in the game rules;

- decks must not be shuffled again during the same play, unless this is clearly and previously defined in the game rules;

- the game must inform the player about the number of cards in a deck and the number of decks in play;

- the value and respective suit of the cards must be clearly displayed to the player and replacement cards must be distinguished from all other cards.

Online Blackjack games

The following requirements must apply to games that simulate a game of blackjack:

- insurance rules must be clearly explained, if this option is available in the game;

- split pair rules must be clearly explained to the player;

- double down rules must be clearly explained, including limitations on which combinations allow the "double down" to be selected;

- any limits on the number of cards that can be drawn by the player or the dealer must be explained, including the declared winners, if any, when the limit is reached;

- surrender rules, if any, must be clearly explained to the player;

- if split pairs occur, the results of each hand must be presented;

- special rules, if any, must be clearly explained to the player; and

- all player options available at any point in the game must be displayed in the game's artwork.

Online roulette games

The ordinance defines that the following requirements must be applied to games that simulate a roulette game:

- the method of selecting individual bets must be explained by the rules of the game;

- the bets selected by the bettor must be clearly displayed on the screen; and

- the result of each spin of the roulette must be clearly displayed to the bettor.

Online dice games

The following rules are defined for online games that simulate the rolling of dice:

- each face of the dice must clearly show the number of points or another indication of the value contained on its face;

- it must be clear which face is facing up on each die, after the dice are rolled; and

- the result of each dice roll must be clearly visible or displayed.

Online sports or racing games

With the regulation, sports that simulate sports or racing games must:

- have individual bets and must not take into account the predictions of other bettors;

- offer results in a clear manner to the bettor;

- have rules for any specific betting options, such as perfecta, trifecta and quinella, and the respective payouts, must be clearly explained in the game's graphic art.

Online ball and number draw games

In this type of bet, the game simulates the drawing of balls or numbers from a given container. The established rules are, among others:

- the withdrawal of balls and numbers must occur in a randomly mixed container, containing the complete set of all balls and numbers, following the rules of the game;

- at the beginning of each game, only the balls and numbers determined by the rules of the game must be in the container, and games with features that require the drawing of additional balls and numbers must be drawn from the original selection, unless otherwise permitted in advance by the rules of the game;

- the container must not be mixed again, unless this possibility exists described in the rules of the game;

- all balls and all numbers drawn must be clearly displayed to the bettor;

In games in which the bettor defines in advance which balls or numbers will be drawn, the following requirements must be applied:

- all the bettor's choices must be clearly presented directly on the game screen, and when the game uses multiple cards, it will be acceptable for the bettor's choices to be accessible by turning or changing the cards;

- the numbers drawn must be clearly identified on the screen and the game must highlight the numbers drawn that correspond to the bettor's choices;

- special hits, when applicable, must be clearly identified;

- how many points were selected and how many hits were obtained must be clearly stated on the screen; and

- the rules for purchasing additional game features, when applicable, must be explained.

Source: g1