JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 14:45hs.
Loterj lawsuit

Court rules to suspend blocking of sports betting and iGaming sites in Rio de Janeiro

Federal judge Pablo Zuniga Dourado, who ordered the blocking of sports betting and online gaming sites operating in Rio de Janeiro without a Loterj license, reversed his decision this Monday (12). He accepted an appeal filed by the National Association of Games and Lotteries (ANJL) understanding that the deadline established by the Secretariat of Prizes and Betting (SPA) was set at December 31 for companies to submit a request for authorization to the agency.

Federal judge Pablo Zuniga Dourado had ordered the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) to block sports betting and online gaming sites without a Loterj license to operate in Rio de Janeiro.

After numerous actions in the Federal Court, the judge decided this Monday (12) to review his decision based on an appeal filed by the National Association of Games and Lotteries (ANJL).

In the lawsuit, the ANJL points out that the deadline given by the Secretariat of Prizes and Betting of the Ministry of Finance for online betting and gaming houses to submit their license applications by December 31 of this year puts them in a regular situation.

The appellant is right regarding the alleged omission regarding the adaptation period provided for in art. 9, sole paragraph, of Law 14.790/2023, which is why I will now correct it,” Zuniga ruled in his report.

In its art. 23, a transition period (12/31/2024) was guaranteed for companies that submit the authorization request referred to in art. 15 in the first ninety days, counting from the publication of the Ordinance,” it continues.

And it reinforces: “In this context, considering the transition period consisting of granting authorization until 12/31/2024 for companies that submit the authorization request within ninety days, as well as the attribution of the Ministry of Finance to grant authorizations, it does not seem reasonable to maintain the decision that determined the suspension of fixed-odds lottery betting activities that were in disagreement with the current legislation, especially because they were supported by the aforementioned period.

The action was thus granted: “In view of the above, I partially accept the declaratory embargoes, with infringing effects, in order to, correct the omission, determine the suspension of the decision that partially granted the preliminary injunction (ID 420232430).”

Speaking to GMB after the decision, Plínio Lemos Jorge, president of ANJL, stated: “Hundreds of online gambling and gaming companies have had their operations affected since the end of July, impacting thousands of players. Access was being blocked even outside the state of Rio de Janeiro. This decision brings relief to the entire sector and reinforces the Judiciary’s commitment to legal security in our country.”

Source: GMB