JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 14:50hs.
For US$ 27,000

Superbet buys London 2012 Olympic medal at auction and returned it to the Brazilian who won it

Adriana Araújo, the first Brazilian female boxing medalist at the 2012 London Olympic Games, decided to auction her medal to set up a restaurant in Bahia, as part of her retirement plans from the ring. The surprise came five hours after the auction began, when Superbet bought the demal in an action for R$150,000 (US$ 27,000), and returned it to the athlete.

According to Adriana Araújo, money was never her main motivation, but she had to use reason to make difficult decisions throughout her career. That's why she took the initiative to auction her medal at the sports memorial.

“At that moment, I had to use reason. I was short on money and saw an opportunity in the medal. At 11 am, it went up for auction. By 4 pm, I already had a buyer. I sold it for R$150,000 (US$27,000). I didn't know whether to be happy or sad. Happy for the money, but sad to see the medal go, my greatest achievement,” the 42-year-old former athlete told Estadão.

What the boxer didn't expect was that her bronze medal won at the 2012 London Olympic Games, the first in Brazilian women's boxing, would return to her hands. And the best part of the whole story: the R$150,000 went to support the former athlete in setting up a boxing gym in São Paulo.

After two weeks, it was revealed that the real buyer of the medal was Alexandre Fonseca, CEO of Superbet Brasil, a betting house that decided, upon seeing the athlete's case, to place the highest bid on the object and keep the Bahian woman with the medal and gloves in her hands.

“We were touched that a high-performance athlete was in this situation. That’s why we wanted to help her take this next step and provide her with a more peaceful retirement. After that, when it was revealed that we were the ones who had won the deal, we sat down to talk and offered her the opportunity to work at the academy,” says Patrícia Prates, marketing director at Superbet Brasil.

With the financial support and management mentoring offered by the company, the boxer will open the boxing studio in September. The space will be dedicated to classes, lectures and training of new athletes and she is celebrating the opportunity. As for the medal, Araújo does not hide her happiness at having the object back in her hands.

“I have always been very attached to it. I experienced the joy in London and now that it has returned, I couldn’t believe it. It was as if I had won twice. As for the gym, I see an opportunity to give back to the sport for all that it has given me. I cannot be ungrateful to this sport.”

Source: Estadão