VIE 27 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2024 - 03:13hs.
This Wednesday (14)

Senate CPI to hear president of the Brazilian Sports Betting Association

The Parliamentary Inquiry Commission (CPI) on Game Manipulation and Sports Betting (CPIMJAE) will hear Rodrigo Alves, president of the Brazilian Sports Betting Association (Abaesp), this Wednesday (14). He will explain the role of betting in combating and preventing the manipulation of sports results.

The request by Senator Carlos Portinho claims that the entity's hearing may clarify the internal policies and guidelines that govern the operations of sports betting companies in the country.

The presence of the Brazilian Sports Betting Association, as a representative of sports betting companies, is essential for the understanding of this Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry regarding the role of these companies in combating and preventing the manipulation of sports results,” states Portinho in the document.

Portinho assures that the testimony will help to understand the cooperation mechanisms between companies and sports and judicial authorities. And also, how information is shared to identify suspicious betting patterns. He states that this will allow for a debate on the prospects for the sports betting market in Brazil and the regulatory challenges.

According to the request, the sports betting market moves billions in Brazil. In his justification, Portinho cites reports from the Central Bank according to which Brazilians spent around R$54 billion (US$9.8bn) on online gaming in 2023. A report from a private bank released in early 2024 estimates the movement of this market between R$100 billion (US$18.2bn) and R$120 billion (US$21.8bn) per year.

Rodrigo Alves' hearing will take place this Wednesday (14), starting at 2:30 pm.

Source: Agência Senado