JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 14:44hs.
Ban includes ‘Fortune Tiger’ and ‘Aviator’ games

“Anti-influencer” rule: government to limit betting ads featuring celebrities from 2025

The large volume of online betting advertisements made by celebrities and influencers in Brazil is expected to suffer a significant setback from January 1, 2025. In an ordinance published in the Official Gazette, the Ministry of Finance announced the prohibition of advertisements featuring celebrities that suggest betting as an alternative to improving one's life.

The prohibition covers the so-called “fixed-odds lottery betting modality”, such as online line games, crash— such as Aviator — cards, blackjack, roulette, dice, sports or racing, ball and number draws, in addition to live online games.

Communication, advertising, and marketing actions for fixed-odds lotteries that present the bet as socially attractive or contain statements by well-known personalities or celebrities that suggest that the game contributes to personal or social success or to improving financial conditions are prohibited,” says the text of the ordinance released this Thursday by the Prizes and Bets Department of the Ministry of Finance.

In addition, the document prohibits the broadcasting of campaigns about the games that suggest obtaining easy winnings or associate the idea of success or extraordinary abilities with bets, encourage excessive betting practices, establish a link between bets and personal and financial success, and suggest or induce the belief that betting can be an alternative to employment, a solution to financial problems, a source of additional income or a form of financial investment.

Another prohibition will be the call to action (CTA), which are calls that appear on the screen suggesting an immediate action by the bettor — such as “Click here and start playing!”, for example.

Advertisements for online games may not be displayed in places where medical and psychological care is provided, for all levels of education or for people under the age of eighteen.

Source: Infomoney