SÁB 14 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:04hs.
The lab was approved in March

eCogra receives accreditation certificate during visit to Lottopar

Representatives from eCogra participated in the ceremony to present the accreditation certificate as an approved laboratory at Lottopar. The company was authorized in March of this year and, since then, has been able to work with lottery and sports betting operators to conduct tests and issue certificates in Paraná.

No lottery operator receives the concession to sell lottery and betting products without first presenting all the certificates from the approved laboratories that attest that the lottery products and systems comply with the safety standards and regulations established by Lottopar.

Lottopar, even before authorizing the sale of lottery and fixed-odds betting products, has as a priority to bring the best international practices of safe and responsible gaming to Paraná. That is why we have launched the call for applications to accredit internationally renowned laboratories that are now attesting to the quality and safety of lottery products sold in our state,” stated Lottopar’s operations director, Fabio Veiga.

Paraná was the first state in Brazil to accredit these laboratories, thus ensuring that any lottery and sports betting operation can only start operating in the state upon presentation of the certificates required by Lottopar.


This guarantees the safety of the Paraná lottery market at all stages of the process, in addition to offering a safe entertainment experience for bettors. The laboratories receive accreditation that is valid for one year, and can be renewed annually.

For the legal representative of the eCogra testing and certification laboratory, Udo Seckelmann, “it is an honor to be accredited here in Paraná and with the growth of the betting market, we know how important it is to certify games and platforms and bring a regulated industry that is growing and that effectively protects the end consumer. Lottopar has done a brilliant job.”


The certifications issued by these laboratories guarantee that lottery and sports betting services are fair, safe, free from fraud and that they meet the international quality standards required by Lottopar.

These laboratories operate in the betting and gaming market and perform a function similar to the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (Inmetro), which conducts tests and ensures quality and safety.


The following people participated in the ceremony to deliver the accreditation term by Lottopar: the director of operations, Fabio Veiga; the administrative and financial director, Rogério Nogueira; the technical director, Rafael Halila; the chief of staff, Stefanny Fernandes, as well as representatives from the eCogra laboratory, Udo Seckelmann; the technology director, Bradley Khoury; and the senior director, Shaun Mccallaghan.

Paraná already has five accredited laboratories to work with lottery operators. The notice for accreditation of testing and certification laboratories is open and can be consulted here.

Source: GMB