MAR 17 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 13:37hs.
“Midas touch”

1win Partners: interpersonal skills are the secret to success in affiliate marketing

With the iGaming affiliate market growing more and more, many professionals question what the necessary requirements are for success. In this exclusive article for GMB, 1win Partners points out that technical skills are important, but to ensure the best performance in the segment, interpersonal relationships are becoming increasingly relevant and can be the “Midas touch” in the business.

To succeed in any field, a person needs a specific set of technical and interpersonal skills, and affiliate marketing is no exception. However, in the age of rapid AI development and its widespread implementation, technical skills are increasingly taking a back seat. Interpersonal skills, on the other hand, are only gaining more relevance.

This trend has not escaped 1win Partners. We are ready to tell you everything about soft skills.

But first, follow us on social media to stay up to date with everything happening in the world of iGaming and Affiliate Marketing - Instagram, Telegram, YouTube and Threads.

What are hard and soft skills?

As you may already know, hard skills are a person’s professional abilities that can be measured, with greater or lesser accuracy. For example, knowledge of programming languages or proficiency in specific software.

Soft skills, on the other hand, cannot be touched or measured because they are related to a person’s qualities as an individual. For example: empathy, creativity, stress resilience, etc.

As we mentioned earlier, in the era of widespread adoption of artificial intelligence, hard skills are gradually losing their relevance. Today, AI can already perform complex calculations, conduct analyses, and write code. And this is just a small part of its capabilities. However, artificial intelligence is still not able to establish communication within a team or lead negotiations.

Of course, this doesn't mean that technical skills are unnecessary. Just as designers are sought for their ability to work in graphic editors, an affiliate marketing professional who has never seen an ad office is unlikely to be hired. But the opposite also applies: no matter how good you are at running ad campaigns, if you’re someone who doesn’t engage, it will be hard to receive a job offer.

What specific skills are needed?

Now let's find out what specific skills you need if you plan to grow in affiliate marketing.

- Communication - One of the key skills for affiliate marketers. Establishing communication within the team, networking at conferences and events—this is what you need to do if you want to succeed in this field, and it’s impossible to do so without communication skills.

- Critical thinking - The ability to step back and objectively assess a situation without getting lost in an endless flow of information. Without this skill, you won’t be able to create processes or manage ad campaigns effectively.

- Feedback - The ability to learn from mistakes and improve distinguishes a good partner from a bad one. It's important not only to give feedback but also to receive it. Remember, the main goal is to improve performance.

- Organization - To work efficiently, you need to be able to organize your workflow and allocate resources properly. Since modern affiliate marketers often juggle multiple roles, from designer to programmer, success is impossible without a clearly structured system.

- Stress tolerance - Affiliate marketing is an extremely stressful field. Waves of bans, rejections, and other challenges are something everyone faces. In moments like these, it's crucial to stay calm and wisely manage your emotional resources.

- Ability to learn - It goes without saying how fast and dynamic the world around us is changing. All these changes also impact affiliate marketing. You need to be able to adapt to all these changes, seek and absorb new information like a sponge, and not be afraid to ask for help from more experienced people.

- Creativity - Creative thinking can be useful in many situations, from designing creatives for an ad campaign to thinking outside the box to solve technical problems.

When interpersonal skills are especially important

Interpersonal skills play a crucial role if someone is just starting out in affiliate marketing or, on the contrary, if they are already building and organizing their own team.

Let's start with those who are just beginning. Often, people without experience are considered for junior positions. In these cases, interpersonal skills are the only thing that can attract an employer. Naturally, preference will be given to those who can easily adapt to the team and learn quickly.

Moreover, interpersonal skills play a decisive role when several candidates with more or less equal abilities are applying for the same position. In these situations, HR will favor the person whose interpersonal skills are the best fit for the team.

And if you aim to be the leader of a team or a separate department, you won’t be able to organize your work or build relationships with your subordinates without well-developed interpersonal skills.


Regardless of your position or role within the team, developing interpersonal skills will never be a disadvantage. These skills can and should be used both at work and outside of it. And if you realize that these skills are not your strong suit, then you should definitely work on them. After all, they are the foundation for the best creative ideas, collaborations, and partnerships.

And the best partner—1win Partners—is already waiting for you. Contact our manager to get the best conditions on the market, and don't forget to follow us on our social media!

Source: 1win Partners