MIÉ 15 DE ENERO DE 2025 - 12:05hs.
“Thinking Together About an Innovative Industry”

ENV Media holds seminar on iGaming in Brazil with the participation of GMB

Next September 19, starting at 9 am (Brasília time), ENV Media will broadcast live the seminar “Thinking Together About an Innovative Industry” on iGaming. International names and industry professionals will discuss relevant issues for the advancement of the segment in Brazil. Gildo Mazza, deputy editor of Games Magazine Brasil, will present the panel “Broader industry factors / Benefits of regulation / Responsible gaming.”

The seminar "Thinking Together About an Innovative Industry" will be broadcast live on ENV Media's YouTube and LinkedIn channels. The presentations in English and Portuguese will be subtitled and the audience will be able to participate in live questions.

The event aims to discuss the iGaming industry in Brazil in terms of its economic potential on the global stage, encouraging the debate of initiatives that aim to consolidate the sector through transparency, fairness, transparency and social responsibility. Furthermore, through the debate, it is expected to strengthen a cooperation network between the main players involved to jointly think about a fairer, more transparent and responsible industry.

A growing industry

Despite its novelty, according to research conducted by ENV Media, the Brazilian iGaming sector is the largest in Latin America and one of the largest regulated markets in the world, with an estimated annual revenue of R$50 billion (US$ 8.8bn).

Adding up all the gaming segments available in the country - lotteries, sports betting, online casinos, among others - Brazil ranks 5th in the world and is a rapidly growing market. The great popularity of sports betting and lotteries further drives the growth of the sector.

To ensure the sustainable growth of this emerging market, it is necessary to encourage debate around topics of public interest, such as responsible gaming practices, in order to ensure that society is informed about the safety and prevention policies applied by the sector.


Throughout the program, topics such as market regulation, responsible gaming practices and the economic impact of the sector in Brazil will be discussed. To open the debate, special guests will share experiences and perspectives on the Brazilian iGaming industry, according to the most relevant topics of the moment.

The objective of the debate is to offer a comprehensive view, capable of inspiring the formulation of more effective policies and the creation of a safer and more transparent environment for everyone.

The main topics and speakers are as follows:

Opening remarks with the seminar’s keynote speaker (9 am to 9:30 am – Brasília time)

* Andreas Bardun – CEO of KTO Group

Market integrity (9:35 am to 10:05 am)

* Khalid Ali – CEO of the International Betting Integrity Association (IBIA)

Regulation and economic impact (10:30 am to 10:55 am)

* Neil Montgomery - Founding partner and manager of Montgomery & Associados

Market insights (11 am to 11:30 am)

* Fabíola Jaeger – CEO of Caleta Gaming


General aspects of the industry (11:35 am to 12 pm)

* Gildo Mazza – Sub-editor of Games Magazine Brasil

ENV Media research (12:20 pm to 1:05 pm)

* Svilen Madjov – Head of Research (introduction)

* Simone do Vale – Education Researcher (lottery, bingo and scratch cards – insights from the instant gaming market)

* Priscila Ferreira – Research Associate (Fortune Tiger, scams and responsible gaming)

Research funded by ENV (1:10 pm to 1:30 pm)

* Marcella Santiago – Research Fellow (new study funded by ENV Media)

Moderation will be in charge of Maria Paula Nascimento, Research Manager at ENV Media

Closing comments/Q&A (1:30 pm to 2 pm)

Research dissemination

A new research on the Brazilian market will be presented at the conference by the ENV Media research fellow, offering new insights into technological tools for preventing pathological gambling and bringing an important reflection for the moment. The full program can be found on the event website.

ENV Media: The iGaming sector in Brazil in data

The ENV Media research team will present an overview of the industry, bringing exclusive research and data, with the aim of promoting discussion about an integrated, sustainable and innovative sector.

To participate in the seminar, simply access the event page on LinkedIn or the ENV Media channel on YouTube on the day of the event.

Source: GMB