JUE 23 DE ENERO DE 2025 - 05:23hs.
Tiago Horta Barbosa, Head of Integrity at Genius Sports

“With regulated operations, bookmakers will be more proactive in reporting fraud”

Tiago Horta Barbosa, Head of Integrity at Genius Sports, highlighted in an exclusive interview with GMB that Brazil is currently undergoing a transition in the regulation of sports betting. He emphasized the company’s commitment to promoting a clean sports environment through monitoring, workshops and investigations. Tiago believes that sportsbooks will be more proactive in reporting fraud, aiming to protect both bettors and sports entities.

GMB – Is integrity the current topic, and is that why Genius Sports is holding the 3rd Brazilian Sports Integrity Summit?
Tiago Horta Barbosa
- I would say yes, because Brazil is at a very important moment, in the transition to regulating sports betting. Starting next January 1st, we will live in a regulated environment, and at the same time, we remember that in recent years the country has faced very serious problems, especially related to the manipulation of competitions.

So, addressing integrity at this time when betting is becoming regulated, while at the same time showing a willingness to face the challenges that hinder integrity and contribute to building an increasingly clean environment is what Genius Sports wants most.

We want to work towards this, and we do it in several ways, whether through monitoring betting markets, talking to sports entities so that they have security in relation to their championships, or through workshops and lectures that we hold for athletes, and even through investigations. Genius Sports has a role in building a clean environment and this event symbolizes that.

It's not enough to just tell the market and athletes about the importance of integrity. It's a strong economic activity. How can we show society that bookmakers are also victims?
When we have cases of match-fixing, everyone loses. Whether it's the bettor who is cheated, the sports entity whose tournament is tainted, society and the betting industry. Bookmakers suffer huge losses every time there is match-fixing. Working for the good of sports and for an honest environment is an advantage for everyone and at Genius Sports we strive for this.

How can bookmakers work proactively to report these crimes against themselves?
I understand that now, with the regulated environment – ??and there was a discussion about the lack of cooperation from bookmakers – they will even know who to report it to and have the security that if they report fraud, the situation will be pursued by the public authorities. With the regulations and rules defined, they will be able to do this. One of the requirements for companies to obtain their licenses is to be part of a monitoring network.

We, at Genius Sports, work in partnership with the International Betting Integrity Association (IBIA) in one of these large monitoring networks. We have welcomed several operators to contribute to us. Being part of this and contributing information based on irregular situations being identified is the best way to do this. Within a regulated environment, I am sure that is what will happen.

Is Brazil mature and so is the sports betting industry?
I would say that today we are more mature than last year and next year we will be more mature than now. The market is being consolidated and we are living in a year of transition. As of January 1, 2025, we will be in the first year of the regulated environment and adjustments will be necessary. No one expects the regulated environment to be born perfect. I am sure that situations will arise in which we will need to fix them throughout the process as they occur.

What was the final result of the 3rd Brazilian Sports Integrity Summit? Did the players understand what was presented?
It was a success and everyone understood. We see this event as very rewarding and Genius Sports is very happy to have contributed to it.

Source: Exclusive GMB