JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 03:40hs.
Effective strategies

Maximizing conversions for trading apps: a case study on PropellerAds formats

This case study highlights effective strategies for boosting conversions for trading apps by utilizing PropellerAds formats, showcasing how an ordinary campaign was transformed into a conversion powerhouse.

Introduction to Campaign Optimization for Trading Apps

In the competitive landscape of trading apps, optimizing campaigns is essential for attracting the right audience.

Here are a few tips to get started:

* Precise Targeting: Ads should be directed towards individuals who have a genuine interest.

* Format Selection: It's important to use the most effective ad formats for the target audience.

* Continuous Testing: Experimentation and campaign adjustments should be embraced to achieve optimal results.

Overview of the offer and campaign strategy

The core strategy involved combining various ad formats from PropellerAds and continuously refining the campaigns to boost performance.

GEO and platform targeting

For this trading app, the focus was on two key markets: iOS users in Indonesia and Android users in Brazil. Each market required a tailored approach.

Focus on the Indonesian market: iOS campaigns

For iOS users in Indonesia, the following strategy was implemented:

  • Formats Used:
    • Onclick
    • Exit Survey
  • Bidding Model: Target CPA $5
  • Results:
    • Onclick: Wide reach
    • Exit Survey: Engaged users

Focus on the Brazilian market: Android campaigns

In Brazil, where the market is highly competitive, the strategy included:

  • Formats Used:
    • Onclick with SmartCPM
    • Exit Survey
  • Bidding Model: Target CPA $3
  • Results:
    • Onclick: Whitelist targeting
    • Exit Survey: Even lower CPA

These strategies not only maximized conversions but also offered valuable insights into optimizing campaigns for different scenarios.

Effective use of PropellerAds formats to boost conversions

PropellerAds formats enable reaching the right audience at the right time with the right message. The key to maximizing their potential is strategically combining different formats.

This guide explains how to use Onclick, Direct Click, and Exit Survey to drive conversions effectively.

Onclick campaigns: Broad reach with cost efficiency

Onclick campaigns serve as a gateway to a large audience, ideal for reaching vast numbers without overspending.

Onclick ensures messages reach thousands of users, all while staying within budget.

  • Advantages of Onclick Campaigns:
    • Reach: Extremely high, perfect for audience expansion.
    • Cost: Typically, CPA is lower than expected.
    • Implementation: Simple and straightforward.

Direct Click: Boosting ROI with high-quality traffic

For those seeking more qualified traffic, Direct Click is an excellent choice. This format places the offer in ad spaces with the highest conversion potential.

While the volume may be lower compared to Onclick, the traffic quality compensates for it.

  • Key Points of Direct Click:
    • Quality Focus: Traffic from the best conversion zones.
    • ROI: Superior, higher return per user.
    • CPA: Low, optimizing investment.

Exit survey: Engaging users with high intent

Exit Survey is an ideal format for capturing users who have already expressed interest in specific topics.

After completing the survey, users are directed to the offer, significantly increasing the chances of conversion.

  • Benefits of Exit Survey:
    • Engagement: Users with high conversion intent.
    • Precision: Focused on engaged audiences.
    • CPA: Competitive and advantageous.

Creative testing and optimization with Interstitials

Creativity plays a significant role when using Interstitials. The key is to test different creative versions to determine which ones are most effective.

Campaign performance analysis by Creative Version

Testing various creatives is essential, but to determine which version is most successful it’s necessary to evaluate the performance by each creative version.

For instance, a comparison of performance can be made as follows:

Version v1 performed the best with a CPA below the target, while v2 had a slightly higher but still acceptable CPA. Versions v3 and v4 underperformed, signaling the need for creative adjustments

Results and key insights for trading App promotions

Promotions for trading apps often yield surprising results. The performance insights from each campaign provide a clear view of success.

Campaign performance in Indonesia

In Indonesia, the focus was on iOS users. Formats like Onclick, Direct Click, and Exit Survey delivered solid outcomes.

The combination of Popunder, Direct Click, and Exit Survey ensured broad reach, high-quality traffic, and competitive CPA, maximizing campaign performance.

Campaign performance in Brazil

In Brazil, where competition for Onclick traffic is intense, a more strategic approach was needed.

The partner initially used Target CPA campaigns but achieved a breakthrough by creating a Whitelist with the top-converting ad zones.

The strategic combination of Onclick (Whitelist) and Exit Survey not only generated a substantial number of conversions but also consistently kept the CPA low, optimizing results in both markets.


This study demonstrates that trading apps can be highly profitable if the right tools and formats are chosen.

Success doesn't come from a magic formula; it requires continuous testing, adjusting, and optimizing.

Trading apps don’t have specific seasonality, making it possible to refine strategies over the long term.

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