JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 10:28hs.
There are already 117

Following government measures, five more companies request licenses to operate in Brazil

Six new license requests were submitted since this Tuesday (17) to the Betting Management System (Sigap). The move was due to the government having issued an ordinance prohibiting ‘Bets’ – as operators are called in Brazil - without solicitation from operating after October 1st. Those that had already registered within the first deadline will have a response by the end of November to operate definitively from January 1st, 2025.

The Betting Management System (Sigap) received six more requests for authorization to operate sports betting and online games since this Tuesday (17). The Prize and Betting Secretariat (SPA) has 119 applications to analyze, and the initial 114, as promised by the SPA, will have to be completed by the end of November so that the companies can start operating permanently as of January 1st of next year.

In a move already expected by the government, which issued an ordinance determining that companies without an authorization request will be prohibited from operating as of October 1st, four new requests were submitted and it is expected that new requests will be submitted in the coming days.

The new companies that submitted their applications to Sigap are:

- BRX Gaming S.A

- Amplexus Corporation Ltda

- Nexus International Ltda

- JBD Comunicação e Tecnologia Ltda

- Boa Sorte Prêmios Ltda

- Wudy Pay Correspondente de Instituição Financeira Ltda

None of them have any guarantee that their applications will be reviewed this year, but at least they will be able to continue operating, if they are already doing so, after October 1st. If they are not yet offering sports betting and online gaming, they will have to wait for final authorization.

Priority in the analysis of applications by the Prizes and Betting Secretariat will be given to companies that complied with the first application window, up until August 20th.

Source: GMB