JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 19:24hs.
A reference in Brazil’s lottery brokerage market

Celebrating 21 years, Sorte Online bets on rebranding and putting the customer at the center

In a move that reflects its commitment to innovation and customer experience, Sorte Online, a reference in digital lottery betting brokerage in Brazil, is undergoing a strategic rebranding. The new brand, which reflects the essence of the company with a young and modern identity, aims to consolidate its position in the market, in addition to expanding the business model to other verticals. The change comes at a symbolic moment: the company celebrates its 21st anniversary this month.

With approximately R$ 250 million (US$ 46m) in distributed prizes and millions of bettors served, the company stands out for its pioneering efforts and continuous investment in technology and innovation, offering users a practical, secure, and responsible betting experience.

Founded in 2003, Sorte Online was born out of an observation of a gap in the lottery market, with the goal of making life easier for Brazilian bettors, who were accustomed to long lines at lottery retailers at a time when e-commerce was still in its early stages in Brazil.

This rebranding represents a natural development in our journey. From the very beginning, we’ve focused on our customers, and this brand overhaul aims to keep up with the evolving needs of our users and expand our presence in the market. It reinforces our commitment to putting the customer at the center of everything we do,” says Márcio Malta, CEO of Sorte Online.

The new visual identity includes a modernized logo, new colors, and graphic elements that reflect this transformation phase. The repositioning is also being integrated into a more fluid customer journey, with the platform incorporating new features that simplify and make the betting process even more intuitive.

The goal is to create a direct impact on customer experience by offering a more modern, clear, and user-friendly platform. The new visual identity and emphasis on technology enhance the brand’s innovative image, increasing user trust.

Additionally, the youthful and aspirational tone creates a stronger emotional connection, contributing to customer loyalty and attracting new bettors seeking convenience and an enhanced digital experience.

Clarissa da Rosa Santos, Branding Manager and Engagement Squad Leader at Sorte Online, who participated in the development of the new brand, confirms: “The rebranding goes beyond visual identity. The idea is for the brand to adapt to the spirit of the times, relating more contemporarily and genuinely with our customers while conveying a technological aspiration.”

Investment in technology and customer experience

A crucial part of the strategy involved a renewed focus on user experience and personalization. The company has been heavily investing in technology, developing a robust platform and advanced CRM systems that help track and predict customer needs more accurately.

Moreover, the investments also include features that make betting easier and improve winning chances through well-structured group bets using data intelligence, which is one of Sorte Online’s key differentiators.

One of the company’s major milestones was the creation of an empirical probability system, successfully used in the Lotofácil da Independência draws since 2020. This system has helped the company win the Lotofácil da Independência’s top prize for four consecutive years, thanks to the use of intelligent group betting strategies.

We’re extremely proud because this moment also reflects an update to our internal processes and our service offerings. We’re preparing for the present, but also for a future with more scalability, without losing focus on what truly matters: the customer. The rebranding was the way to bring this vision to life,” explains Thiago Arantes, VP of Marketing and Sales.

Business expansion and strategic partnerships

Sorte Online’s transformation process goes beyond a new identity. Since its founding and later acquisition by a global gaming and betting group, the company has intensified its expansion investments. Along this journey, the company has also formed partnerships with major players in the financial and retail markets, such as PagBank, C6 Bank, and BR Mania.

These strategic alliances help us extend our reach and offer an integrated betting experience with other value-added services for our customers,” highlights Malta.

Additionally, in the future, Sorte Online plans to not only expand its lottery market presence but also explore new business models and verticalize its operations, with innovation as one of its key pillars.

The company is preparing to enter the betting and sports betting segment, aiming to establish a presence in a market that already represents 1% of Brazil's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), according to research by XP Investimentos.

Our expectations are very high, especially because we’ll have the opportunity to continue helping and shaping the Brazilian betting market. We want to offer more options to our bettors, allowing them to enjoy themselves across different platforms and modes. We are very proud of the path we’ve traveled so far. This rebranding is more than just a visual change; it’s a statement that we are ready for the next 21 years of innovation and growth, without losing sight of the most important thing: the customer,” concludes Malta.

Sorte Online

Founded in 2003, the platform stands out in the digital lottery games brokerage market, having distributed approximately R$ 250 million (US$ 46m) in prizes to players across the country.

With a pioneering approach and substantial investments in technology, Sorte Online offers a complete platform with digital solutions that provide greater ease and security for bettors to place their bets on their desired lotteries, while also gaining access to shares of group bets.

The platform’s main market differentiator lies in the use of data intelligence and statistics, which exponentially increase the chances of winning. Through its online channel, users can also access tips, news, statistics, probabilities, and real-time lottery results.

Source: GMB