MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 13:19hs.
Tests to begin on October 2

Accredited laboratories discuss with SPA and Serpro the paths to iGaming certification in Brazil

Government entities met with representatives of laboratories accredited by the Secretariat of Prizes and Betting (SPA) this Monday (2) to discuss the criteria for iGaming certification in Brazil. The meeting took place at the Federal Data Processing Service and was attended by SPA secretary Regis Dudena, representatives of GLI, BMM, Gaming Europe, Quinel and eCogra. Tests on the system managed by Serpro will begin on October 2.

Throughout this Monday (2), the Federal Data Processing Service (Serpro) hosted and participated in a meeting with the Secretariat of Prizes and Betting (SPA) of the Ministry of Finance and the laboratories approved by the SPA to approve systems, platforms and games within the scope of iGaming regulation in Brazil.

The meeting aimed to hear from the accredited laboratories the tools and work methods that they will make available to the government for the certification of betting systems, live gaming studios and online games in Brazil. The initiative for the meeting was taken by the SPA itself, which sought to strengthen ties with the laboratories and make itself available for ongoing dialogue.

The objective of the meeting was to present all those involved and the mechanisms necessary from the Betting Management System (Sigap) to continue the process of regulating the sports betting and online gaming sector in Brazil and what the SPA expects from the laboratories in the certification process in which they were involved.

Representing the SPA attended Secretary Regis Dudena; Fábio Macorin, Undersecretary of Inspection and Monitoring; Carolina Yumi de Souza; and João Borges, General Coordinator of Systems.

At the opening, Regis Dudena reinforced the importance of responsible gaming and how much the laboratories can contribute in this regard through the work they will develop during the certification of systems, platforms, live studios and games. “We have to bring this industry to where it should be and with all the necessary safety.”

Also representing SPA, Fábio Macorin clarified the laboratories’ doubts regarding the criteria to be followed so that everyone follows the same path as SPA expects, including regarding the format of the certificates issued and the deadlines to be met.

In addition, the government entities presented their work routines and how activities are being defined within each of the units and what the government expects from the laboratories.

Tests begin on October 2nd

Serpro was represented by the servers Ariadne Fonseca and Clony Nunes Abreu Jr., responsible for monitoring the certification processes carried out by the laboratories.

Serpro presented the format for sending online data by the entire ecosystem involving sports betting and online gaming and guided those present on the manual available in the Betting Management System (Sigap) and on the integration API.

During the meeting, Clony Jr. informed that the first mandatory testing schedules will take place starting on October 2nd with the operators who have already applied for a license at Sigap. The final round of data transfer tests will take place in December to validate the entire system for the start of regulated operations starting on January 1st, 2025.

Certifiers present

- BMM Testlabs – Juliano Prestes, Witoldo Hendrich Jr. and Luciana Hendrich (legal representatives).

- GLI (Gaming Laboratories International) – Walter Delfraro Jr. (government relations and business development executive) and George Didier Flores (LatAm director)

- Gaming Europe – (attended remotely)

- Quinel – Rafael Biasi (legal affairs at Octus, representing the laboratory).

- ECogra – Bradley Khoury (technology director) and Udo Seckelmann (legal representative of the laboratory).

Each of the laboratories presented how they are organizing themselves for the certification processes. Only Gaming Europe did not do so, as it only attended the meeting remotely.

Witoldo Hendrich, partner at Hendrich Advogados and one of BMM's representatives at the event, explained that the meeting was exceptional: “We all knew that the certifications needed to exist, but the meeting served much to explain who will be responsible for what. Today, for example, it was clear who is responsible for certain responsibilities, whether the operator or the payment method, for example, with regard to the KYC of players.”

Walter Delfraro Jr., GLI’s government relations and business development executive, highlighted that “the event organized by the Secretariat of Prizes and Bets and Serpro is of great importance because it sought to align expectations with all authorized laboratories regarding the certification process in Brazil. Just like the ordinances issued by SPA, the expectation that laboratories provide a service based on industry best practices was very clear.”

Udo Seckelmann, legal representative of eCogra, highlighted: “a very informative and enriching event that ensured full alignment between SPA and its approved certifying laboratories. eCOGRA thanks the Ministry for the open dialogue and remains committed to providing certification services to Brazil in accordance with the highest industry standards.”

Source: GMB