VIE 27 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 14:21hs.
Supreme Court

Justice Luiz Fux calls for hearing on ‘Bets’ after lawsuit to block regulation

Justice Luiz Fux, of the Supreme Court (STF), called a public hearing this Thursday (26) to discuss the law that regulates online sports betting in Brazil. The decision was made in a lawsuit filed with the court by the National Confederation of Commerce of Goods, Services and Tourism (CNC), which questioned the law on the subject.

This Thursday (26), Luiz Fux, minister of the Federal Supreme Court, called a public hearing to discuss the legislation that regulates online sports betting. The measure was adopted within the scope of a lawsuit filed by the National Confederation of Commerce of Goods, Services and Tourism (CNC), which questioned the law on 'Bets' - as the operators are called in Brazil -.

The hearing will take place on November 11, at 10 am. The Speakers of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, Arthur Lira and Rodrigo Pacheco, the Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad, and other authorities were invited to participate.

Also invited were entities such as the CNC, the National Association of Games and Lotteries and the Brazilian Institute of Legal Gaming, in addition to the Women of Brazil Group and Educafro.

Fux's decision was made in a lawsuit filed with the Supreme Court by the CNC, which challenged the law.

"Given the complexity and interdisciplinary nature of the issue, which involves neuroscience, economic and social aspects, it is considered valuable and necessary to hold a public hearing in this lawsuit," said the minister in his decision.

"[So that] This court can be provided with essential information to resolve the case, as well as so that future judicial pronouncements are imbued with greater democratic legitimacy."

When filing the lawsuit with the STF, the CNC stated that its objective was to declare Law No. 14,790, approved in December 2023 by Congress, unconstitutional.

This legislation was the result of the Lula (PT) government's efforts to regulate the sector — last year, the government issued a provisional measure for legalization.

The confederation also requested a precautionary measure to immediately suspend the effectiveness of the law, which would interrupt the regulatory process.

The confederation's move to the STF was yet another chapter in the market's reaction against betting. There are complaints that betting has been draining resources from other sectors.

According to the lawsuit, "by increasing the availability of sports betting in Brazil, it has been proportionally triggering household debt, leading a significant part of society to engage in extremely high-risk financial behavior, and considerably harming the domestic economy, retail trade, and social development."

Source: Folha