VIE 27 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 14:16hs.
Already available on YouTube

With GMB participation, ENV Media seminar discussed expansion and challenges of iGaming in Brazil

The ENV Media Seminar on iGaming, which took place on September 19, brought together market leaders and experts to discuss the sector's advances in Brazil. Among topics such as regulation, game localization and the use of technology in the prevention of gambling addiction, the presentations addressed the perspectives for the segment. Games Magazine Brasil, KTO and Caleta Gaming, among other companies, were part of the webinar. Video now available here.

Speakers emphasized industry integrity and competitiveness

Andreas Bardun, CEO of KTO Group, opened the seminar by highlighting the importance of ethical marketing practices and raising awareness about responsible gaming. Emphasizing the need for localization, he also stated that adapting the KTO platform to the reality of Brazilian bettors was crucial to its success in the country.

Bardun expressed optimism regarding the Brazilian market, recognizing great growth opportunities for operators that are able to adapt to regulations and meet local demands.

Jack Byrne, integrity analyst at the International Betting Integrity Association (IBIA), highlighted the organization's role in combating corruption in betting and protecting the integrity of sports. According to Byrne, to detect suspicious activity, more than 50 global betting operators share information through IBIA, including and KTO.

The analyst highlighted the fundamental role of regulatory bodies in ensuring that operators licensed in Brazil are able to compete with platforms operating abroad.

Fabíola Jaeger, founding partner and CEO of Caleta Gaming, stated that, although the process of recertification and adaptation to the new technical requirements of SPA/MF Ordinance No. 1,207, of 2024, is challenging, most of Caleta's portfolio is already in line with the new standards.

As for the preferences of Brazilian players, Jaeger estimated that, in Brazil, the trend for intuitive games, with simple mechanics, should remain high.

Neil Montgomery, founding partner and administrator of Montgomery & Associados, an expert in the regulation of the sector in Brazil, noted that, with regard to federal licensing, the process is complex and requires stricter controls and corporate structures for foreign operators.

For Montgomery, the Brazilian market is evolving, with potential for mergers and acquisitions, in addition to a diverse range of legal games recognized by the federal government.

He also addressed the challenges of Ordinance 1275, which determined on September 16 that operators who had not requested a license by the date of the ordinance will have their websites blocked on October 1. According to Montgomery, the measure brings legal uncertainty and even more complexity to the regulatory scenario of the sector.

The editor of Games Magazine Brasil, Gildo Mazza, emphasized that, in a market with around 60 million gamblers, social responsibility and the promotion of responsible gaming are fundamental.

Mazza also highlighted the importance of promoting awareness campaigns to emphasize that gambling activities correspond to entertainment expenses, and not to a kind of investment for financial gain - thus concluding the discussion with guest speakers.

In the section with ENV Media's research experts, the introduction was given by Svilen Madjov, Head of Research at ENV Media. Madjov explained that, due to its newness, the gaming market in Brazil lacks reliable data, which makes research essential for stakeholders, including consumers and operators.

According to Madjov, ENV conducts studies with primary data, surveys and practical tests of gaming platforms to, based on comprehensive insights, educate consumers about responsible gaming and market dynamics - in addition to providing valuable insights to the industry.

ENV Media researcher Priscila Ferreira criticized the involvement of influencers in fraudulent schemes that harm the public image of online gaming, highlighting the need for strict regulation and accountability in influencer marketing.

According to Ferreira, the focus of these initiatives, however, should be on predatory advertising by influencers, and not on the game itself. For the researcher, it is necessary to reformulate advertising to promote responsible gaming.

Simone do Vale, also a researcher at ENV Media and a PhD in Communications from UFRJ, presented the factors that motivate Brazilians to participate in gambling - disposable income, search for entertainment and perception of reliability in games.

According to Vale, the lottery is considered the most reliable game, followed by sports betting - while trust in online games is growing, especially among regulated platforms.

Finally, Marcella Santiago, a research fellow at ENV Media, presented original research on the effectiveness of technological tools in preventing pathological gambling.

The researcher argued that responsible gambling policies, already widely adopted, should be reevaluated and expanded. For her, Artificial Intelligence plays an important role in personalizing the user experience but is equally necessary for promoting effective responsible gambling policies.

The event was moderated by Maria Paula Nascimento, research manager at ENV Media, and can be viewed again on ENV Media's YouTube channel.

Source: GMB