LUN 30 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 12:27hs.
Antonella Lorenzetti, Marketing Director

“Live replay and more servers in Brazil were the new nanocosmos features we brought to SBC Lisbon”

nanocosmos, one of the most important streaming companies in the world that operates in iGaming, attended the SBC Summit Lisbon last week. In an exclusive conversation with GMB, Antonella Lorenzetti, Marketing Director, presented the new feature of live replay, a tool available to operators, and reinforced the company’s commitment to the Brazilian regulated market. “We are bringing more servers to our CDN in Brazil and hiring more professionals in the country.”


GMB - What are the new features from nanocosmos being presented at SBC Summit Lisbon?
Antonella Lorenzetti -
We are very happy to be in Lisbon, our first time. We brought NanoStream Cloud, our real-time streaming platform. With it, we guarantee ultra-low latency, which is so important for the iGaming market and for live casino. As a new feature, we are bringing more servers to our CDN in Brazil.

We know that this is a difficult and very large market, so we expanded significantly to be able to serve it properly. We are also introducing the new live replay tool, which allows you to capture the best moments of a game and retransmit them to attract more players. It is a very complete streaming platform, especially for live casinos and game providers who need something that works.


Is live replay something new for the entire market or just for nanocosmos?
In the broadcast market, it is something that already exists, but in the iGaming market, it was something we discovered together with our clients. They brought up this need a lot and, since we work very closely with them, we said: let's include it because our idea is to have this complete streaming tool so they don't have to worry. It was something that was missing not only in the iGaming market, but mainly for them, and we were able to bring it and we are receiving very good feedback here at the fair.

Is nanocosmos taking the lead once again?
Definitely. We entered iGaming in 2015 and it is safe to say that we were one of the pioneering companies in bringing this ultra-low latency to iGaming. And we certainly continue to be at the forefront of innovation.

Is ultra-low latency not an obligation for the operator, it is a necessity, since they need to offer very fast times?
Exactly. Imagine a live dealer and a person playing and facing a latency greater than 1 second! You have no interactivity, there is no way. So, if you want a cool experience that will really engage, you need this ultra-low latency streaming, which is a very complex and difficult thing. nanocosmos makes this easy and that is our goal.


You mentioned that you are preparing an entire structure to serve the Brazilian market even more effectively. What are nanocosmos' plans for Brazil?
We are very excited about the arrival of iGaming regulation and I think things will really get going. So we will continue adding servers and hiring professionals to work in Brazil. We already have someone in the country to provide support in Portuguese, which is very important for the Brazilian market. So, the idea now is to just wait, because a lot of good things are coming.

Source: Exclusive GMB