LUN 30 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 12:37hs.
Protection against risks

Senator presents bill that provides limits on online betting by vulnerable groups

The debate on the social impact of betting in Brazil has gained another chapter. Senator Alessandro Vieira (MDB-SE) presented a bill to limit — or even prohibit — online betting by the elderly, people registered in active debt or credit protection registry and those registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico).

Bill 3,718/2024 includes this limitation in Law 14,790, of 2023, also called the Betting Law. Alessandro Vieira argues that the measure is necessary to protect groups in vulnerable situations, who are among those most affected by this type of gambling.

A Central Bank survey released last week indicates that, just last month, Bolsa Família beneficiaries spent R$ 3 billion (US$ 551m) on bets via the Pix system. The study was conducted following a request from Senator Omar Aziz.

According to the Central Bank, "these results align with other surveys that identify low-income families as the most harmed by the sports betting activity. It is reasonable to assume that the commercial appeal of getting rich through betting is more attractive to those in financially vulnerable situations."

Illusion and debt

Alessandro Vieira emphasizes that many people are under the "illusion that gambling is a form of investment," leading them to underestimate the risks involved, attracted by the "promise of quick, yet uncertain gains." He reiterates that "it is important to clarify that gambling is not an investment."

The senator warns that this type of gaming "has led a growing number of people to develop compulsive behaviors, with devastating consequences for their financial and social lives. Loss of control over gambling, the constant pursuit of rewards, and the denial of consequences are common characteristics of gambling addiction, which can lead to excessive debt, the destruction of relationships, and mental health problems."

The Proposal

According to Alessandro Vieira's proposal, the Law on Bets would limit online betting for:

  • The elderly;
  • Those listed as having outstanding debts or enrolled in credit protection databases;
  • Those registered in the Federal Government's Unified Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico).

The proposal also offers the following options for implementing these limitations (the choice would be up to the Executive Branch):

  • A cap on losses, either in absolute terms or as a percentage of the amount transferred to the [betting] platform;
  • A cap on monthly transfers;
  • A monthly transfer limit as a percentage of declared income;
  • A total ban on transactions.

Source: Agência Senado