MAR 17 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 02:16hs.
Video on TV Globo in prime time for all of Brazil

Esportes da Sorte defends itself: “We are ‘guilty’ of transparency and responsible gaming"

In a nearly 3-minute video that aired throughout Brazil this Sunday (8), Esportes da Sorte broadcast its official position on the accusations against the betting house. Gabriel Oliveira, legal director, stated that Operation Integration does a disservice to the nation: “We are ‘guilty’ of transparency, ‘guilty’ of having evidence and operating within the law. We are pioneers in raising the flag of responsible gaming and caring for our customers and partners.”

This past week, the spotlight of the mainstream media was focused on the arrest of influencer Deolane Bezerra and her mother, accused of money laundering obtained from gambling. As part of the allegations, Esportes da Sorte, of which Deolane is a brand ambassador, was also hit.

To demonstrate his full willingness to cooperate with the investigations, Darwin Henrique da Silva Filho, CEO of Esportes da Sorte, presented himself to the police together with his wife, Maria Eduarda Filizola.

Before presenting himself at the police station, Darwin left an open letter saying that he was surprised by the preventive arrest warrant, and that he has cooperated with the investigations and that the arrest warrant was “such a strict measure” and that he will “comply with the legal procedures and observe all legal nuances.”

Company’s statement

Esportes da Sorte was created with the purpose of bringing entertainment and fun through a market that is already consolidated and of great importance in the most diverse nations, including those considered “first world.” We went further, evolving within a new and legalized activity.

We humanize the digital world, treat our partners and clients with all respect and transparency, always positioning ourselves eye to eye.

As everyone knows, we are validated within the highest standards of law and ethics, so much so that we are in the homes and lives of Brazilians every day, always through people, companies and institutions that align with our philosophy, whether through sports, major events, influencers and, of course, such respected organizations that, as could not be otherwise, have placed us in the highest places on the podium, presented us in places never before occupied by others, after all, we are the ‘Bet’ chosen by the people.

Therefore, it could not be any different now.

The situation of the last few days, triggered by Operation Integration, does a disservice to the nation and undermines what should be its purpose: the truth. We are “guilty” of transparency, “guilty” of having evidence and operating within the law, including all financial operations being carried out through honest institutions and procedures approved by the Central Bank.

We are pioneers in raising the flag of responsible gaming and care for our customers and partners. We fought bravely for effective, safe and responsible regulation. We succeeded.

They accuse us of obscurity when, since our inception, we have placed ourselves in a room full of spotlights in the midday sun.

We are certain of our innocence, we remain where we have always been, at the disposal of Justice.

We are certain that all of this will be remembered as a sad, unreasonable, disproportionate and irresponsible episode in history. What is happening is a sign that the country is going backwards. The irresponsibility we are facing has torn apart what we know about fundamental guarantees. It is not just about Esportes da Sorte and its leaders, the first victims of these assumptions. They have attacked more than 100,000 direct and indirect jobs generated by the sector, and have tarnished the livelihood of committed people, professionals from the most diverse areas, fathers, mothers, grandparents and children.

But we continue to trust in the serious, impartial and truth-oriented people who are part of such honorable institutions.

They say that the damage to our image will be irreparable, a fact that we vehemently disagree with. We will emerge much stronger, after all, we are much more than BET.

Gabriel Oliveira
Legal Director - Esportes da Sorte