JUE 6 DE MARZO DE 2025 - 23:46hs.
Gabriel Galípolo

President of the Central Bank promises data to the TCU on bets made by Bolsa Família beneficiaries

In his first week at the helm of the Central Bank of Brazil, Gabriel Galípolo promised to collaborate with the new president of the Federal Court of Auditors (TCU), Vital do Rêgo, by providing information on Pix payments made by Bolsa Família beneficiaries for the so-called 'Bets'. The audit is investigating the allocation of R$3 billion (US$ 494m) in August of last year to betting houses, according to a report by the BC itself.

The average spent per beneficiary was R$100 (US$16,50). Of the total number of bettors, 4 million are heads of families and, equipped, sent R$2 billion (US$329m) to 'Bets'.

According to TCU ministers, the money is public and can only be used for the subsistence of those registered.

In a conversation with Vital, Galípolo said that the BC would find a way to collaborate, delivering as much information as possible without breaking banking secrecy.

The TCU needs to know whether the beneficiaries were in fact the bettors or whether their documents were used fraudulently by third parties.

At this time, Congress is conducting the CPI on betting and the TCU wants to play a leading role in the discussion.

Source: Painel/Folha