MIÉ 19 DE MARZO DE 2025 - 15:42hs.
Voting postponed

Brazilian Sports Commission to debate in public hearing bills that ban advertising from ‘Bets’

The Sports Committee (CEsp) will discuss in a public hearing the bill that prohibits advertising of the so-called ‘Bets’ (2.985/2023) and the proposal that prevents athletes and celebrities from advertising sports betting platforms (3.405/2023). The committee removed the analysis of the matter from the agenda at the request of senators Carlos Portinho and Jorge Kajuru so that the topic can be opened to society.

The author of Bill 2.985/2023 is senator Styvenson Valentim. In his justification, he argues that, given the economic power accumulated by betting companies, the Legislature must act to establish limits on the activity. Portinho is the rapporteur of this text.

Bill 3,405/2023 was authored by Senator Eduardo Girão and has a similar purpose. The rapporteur is Senator Sérgio Petecão. The bill includes in the law that regulates betting the prohibition of advertising by sports teams, athletes, former athletes, as well as presenters or commentators of any sport and any means of communication.

It also prohibits advertising by celebrities, digital influencers or any person, as defined in the regulation, who may influence the behavior of a significant number of people.

A deeper discussion on the subject was also advocated by Petecão, Girão and Senator Romário.

Portinho requested that the debate take place in April, that it be held preferably in the Senate Plenary and that individuals with all positions on the subject be invited.

“I think it would be better to hold a public hearing. Everyone knows that when I conduct my projects I always try to open up the discussion. It enriches our text, and I have no doubt about that. This is a very sensitive topic. Because even though there is an economic impact, and it is not small, for the promotion of sports in general, especially soccer, on the other hand there is a great concern about the massive advertising, which reaches an audience that is not the target, that is, young people and children,” said Portinho.

The president of CEsp, Senator Leila Barros, said that she will seek to meet the requests and stated that she will expedite the matter.

Source: Agência Senado