The ‘Companhia de Participação e Gestão de Ativos do Ceará’ (CearaPar) is a state-owned enterprise linked to the Ceará Department of Finance (Sefaz/CE), responsible for managing the state’s assets and its entities. Its goal is to optimize these assets and maximize returns, contributing to Ceará’s economic development and assisting in public debt management.
During the visit, the CearaPar delegation had access to Lottopar’s monitoring platform, which ensures security and transparency in operations, as well as gaining insights into the traceability of payment methods used in the system. They also visited both dedicated and non-dedicated points of sale (POS) to better understand the infrastructure required for the efficient operation of a state lottery.
The visit also served to deepen their understanding of testing and certification laboratories accredited by Lottopar, which are essential to ensuring that lottery systems comply with regulatory standards and market security requirements.
Another key agenda item was a visit to the Attorney General's Office of the State of Paraná (PGE-PR), where Luiza Martins and Sílvia Bezerra met with Attorney General Luciano Borges to discuss topics related to the regulation of Paraná’s lottery and the asset securitization process, a strategically relevant issue for both states.
Lottopar’s Operations Director, Fabio Veiga, highlighted the importance of knowledge exchange between institutions and emphasized the upcoming development of a cooperation agreement between CearaPar and Lottopar.
"We are fully open to contributing to the strengthening of state lotteries in Brazil. Lottopar’s experience can serve as a reference for states looking to implement a sustainable and efficient model," he stated.
CearaPar President Luiza Martins emphasized that “our visit to the state of Paraná to learn about the state's lottery service operations was fundamentally important for structuring these services in Ceará. We confirmed that Paraná is a model to be followed, as it manages these services with seriousness, transparency, and reliability, adopting best practices from other countries and pioneering a legal and technological framework in Brazil that will help other states."
CearaPar continues to advance studies for the implementation of the state lottery, committed to adopting the best industry practices and ensuring that the initiative contributes to the economic and social development of the state of Ceará.
Source: GMB