DOM 23 DE MARZO DE 2025 - 23:04hs.
Proposal is under analysis in the Chamber

Deputy introduces bill to equate taxation of betting to that of cigarettes in Brazil

Complementary Bill 209/24 determines that taxes on gambling in Brazil are equivalent to those on the sale of cigarettes and derivatives. Cigarette taxation in the country uses a fixed tax, with a specific amount of R$2.25 (US$0.40) charged per pack, and a percentage of the sales price (66.7%).

The bill under review in the Chamber of Deputies establishes that part of the revenue collected from the new taxation on gambling will be allocated to awareness and prevention campaigns against gambling addiction, to be broadcast across all available media channels.

The author of the bill, Deputy Fernando Máximo (União-RO), states that the tax equalization is based on health risks.

"Cigarette addiction is a widely recognized issue, and there are already public policies in place to address it. A clear example is the significant increase in cigarette taxes, which has resulted in reduced consumption and increased revenue for public coffers," he explains.

"Similarly, gambling addiction poses a growing risk to society, causing financial and psychological harm to individuals and families," the deputy points out.

Next steps

The proposal will be reviewed conclusively by the Committees on Finance and Taxation, as well as the Committee on Constitution and Justice. It will then proceed to the Plenary.

To become law, the bill must be approved by both the Chamber and the Senate.

Source: Agência Câmara de Notícias