In its decision, the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) stated that the complaint was not accompanied by evidence of the alleged irregularities (such as a medical report on the claimed health condition or notifications sent to the betting houses).
Thus, the TCU did not accept the complaint, citing non-compliance with the admissibility requirements established under Article 235 of the Court’s Internal Regulations and Article 103, § 1, of TCU Resolution 259/2014.
Below is the ruling from the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU):
ACÓRDÃO No. 486/2025 – TCU – Plenary Session
Having reviewed and analyzed these case files related to the complaint, which included a request for a precautionary measure against the Secretariat for Prizes and Betting (SPA)—a body under the Ministry of Finance—due to a possible omission by officials in investigating alleged irregularities by companies granted a federal license to operate in Brazil as fixed-odds betting houses;
Considering that the complainant claims that the SPA failed to investigate reports indicating that three betting operators (betting houses/bets) did not comply with a request to annul bets, despite the complainant being diagnosed with gambling addiction (ludopathy);
Considering, however, that the complaint was not accompanied by evidence of the alleged irregularities (such as a medical report on the claimed health condition or notifications sent to the betting houses);
Considering that the Court already has ongoing control actions related to fixed-odds betting, including the following cases:
Considering the uniform opinions issued by the Specialized Audit Unit for Budget, Taxation, and Fiscal Management (AudFiscal) in documents 8-10;
The Ministers of the Federal Court of Accounts, meeting in a plenary session, and based on Article 143, III, of the TCU Internal Regulations, hereby decide to:
a) Dismiss the complaint due to non-compliance with the admissibility requirements established under Article 235 of the Court’s Internal Regulations and Article 103, § 1, of TCU Resolution 259/2014;
b) Inform the complainant about this ruling and about the existence of an ongoing process aimed at verifying the proper enforcement of fixed-odds betting legislation by the Secretariat for Prizes and Betting (TC 026.536/2024-2);
c) Lift the confidentiality of the case, except for documents that may identify the complainant; and
d) Archive the case files, in accordance with Article 235, sole paragraph, of the Court’s Internal Regulations, and Article 105 of TCU Resolution 259/2014.
Case Details
1. Process Number: TC-003.123/2025-1 (Complaint)
1.1. Responsible Party: Identity protected (Article 55, caput, of Law No. 8.443/1992)
1.2. Interested Party: Identity protected (Article 55, caput, of Law No. 8.443/1992)
1.3. Institution Involved: Secretariat for Prizes and Betting (SPA)
1.4. Rapporteur: Minister Antonio Anastasia
1.5. Public Prosecutor’s Office Representative: Not involved
1.6. Technical Unit: Specialized Audit Unit for Budget, Taxation, and Fiscal Management (AudFiscal)
1.7. Legal Representation: None
1.8. Orders/Recommendations/Guidance: None
Source: GMB