JUE 27 DE MARZO DE 2025 - 14:58hs.
Alex Pariente, Irajá Abreu and Davi Alcolumbre

Hard Rock and Senate to discuss legalization of casinos at BiS SiGMA Americas

BiS SiGMA Americas has confirmed that a roundtable will be held to discuss the legalization of casinos in Brazil. The event will be attended by Alex Pariente, SVP Casino & Hotel Operations at Hard Rock, and Senators Irajá Abreu, rapporteur for Bill 2234, and Davi Alcolumbre, President of the Senate. The meeting is expected to be one of the most attended, given the imminent vote on the bill that legalizes land-based gaming in the country.

The BiS SiGMA Americas event, taking place from April 7 to 10 in São Paulo, has almost its entire conference schedule filled. However, an adjustment has been made following the confirmation of a roundtable discussion that is expected to be one of the most highly attended sessions, if not the most sought-after.

A high-level roundtable will discuss the legalization of casinos in Brazil and will bring together three key figures who have played a prominent role in driving this process in recent years.

Representing the private sector, Alex Pariente, SVP of Casino & Hotel Operations at Hard Rock, will contribute his extensive experience in managing the company’s global casino operations. In addition to his expertise in the field, Pariente has been one of the main interlocutors with the government and the National Congress in favor of legalizing casinos in Brazil.

Over the past few years, Alex Pariente has been one of the most sought-after figures in Brasília when it comes to discussions about the legalization of casinos in Brazil and the benefits the industry could bring to the country. These include attracting tourists, generating billions of dollars in investments, creating jobs, and increasing tax revenues.

Last year, Pariente participated in a public hearing in the Senate, where he provided invaluable insights to the Committee on Constitution and Justice. On that occasion, in addition to highlighting the positive economic impact, the Hard Rock executive clarified the integrity of legalized and regulated casino operations.

Senator Irajá Abreu, rapporteur of PL 2234 — the bill that legalizes gambling in Brazil — is another confirmed participant. He is currently one of the politicians most knowledgeable about the industry, particularly casinos. While drafting the bill’s report, he conducted an in-depth study to ensure that no critical aspects were overlooked. His report was approved by the Committee on Constitution and Justice and now awaits discussion and voting in the Senate Plenary.

The third participant in the roundtable will be Senator Davi Alcolumbre, president of the Senate and former president of the Committee on Constitution and Justice. During his tenure at the CCJ, he was one of the strongest advocates for voting on PL 2234 in the committee. Thanks to his efforts, the bill was approved, and it will now be up to him to bring it to the Senate floor for a final vote.

Beyond the high level of discussion expected at the roundtable, stakeholders who support casino legalization in Brazil will have the opportunity to exchange insights with these three key figures and, possibly, learn when the bill will finally be put to a vote.

If the bill is approved in the Plenary without amendments to the original version from the Chamber of Deputies, it will be sent to President Lula for sanction. The president has stated multiple times that he intends to sign the bill into law.

This project has been under discussion in the National Congress for over 33 years, and now, more than ever, it is on the verge of being voted on. If passed, Brazil will finally join the list of countries that support legal, regulated gambling instead of the illegal and clandestine market that has persisted since the industry was banned in the 1940s.

Source: GMB