MIÉ 15 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 23:33hs.

Gaming legalization to bring improvements to the population

Parliamentary Assembly of Santa Catarina state declared support for the regulation of gambling in the country, saying that the resources coming from the activity will serve to improve the quality of life of Brazilians.

The State Representative of Santa Catarina, Maurício Eskudlark, declared himself in favor of legalizing gambling in Brazil during an interview with Líder FM radio. For the parliamentary games of chance are already rooted in the country and that the government can no longer lose revenue that would help in the quality of life of the population.

"Gaming already exists. In addition to continuing, as it has always been, it will generate an income that can be invested in improving the quality of life of the population in the health issue and in all areas."

During the interview, the deputy also spoke about the installation of casinos in cities of tourist potential. "As for big casinos, legalization would be for tourist cities. We've been getting studies of the money that circulates in big casinos, and Brazil is losing some of those resources prohibiting them."

Maurício Eskudlark, who is from São Miguel do Oeste, in the interior of Santa Catarina state, defended the importance of the local popular "jogo do bicho” to the smaller cities. According to him, the game can influence even the generation of jobs within the municipalities.

"For small cities, the change would exist in the jogo do bicho that would stop being clandestine and would bring resources. It could even generate jobs officially with the contribution to the INSS (Brazilian Social Security National Institue)."

The congressman believes that the gaming legalization will happen soon and came to rebate positions defended by opponents affirming that today this entertainment is already accepted by society.

"We must continue to respect the family, the freedom of the people. But also the country can not leave resources that could be taxed and investments that could be taxed, for the improvement of the population, cease to have taxation and remain in hiding. "

Fonte: GMB/Radio Líder FM